IHJA Schedule Members Horses A Divisions B Divisions IHJA
Lake St Louis HJ Holiday Dec 6-10, 2006 - Hunter Division Results
Amateur Adult Hunter Division
CL505: Adult Amateur Hunters (18-35) Champion
1 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
CL506: Adult Amateur Hunters (18-35) Reserve Champion
2 149 Elora A30529-H1 12
CL507: Adult Amateur Hunters (36-50) Champion
1 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
CL508: Adult Amateur Hunters (36-50) Reserve Champion
2 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
CL509: Adult Amateur Hunters (51 & over) Champion
1 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
CL510: Adult Amateur Hunters (51 & over) Reserve Champion
2 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
128: Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35)
1 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
2 149 Elora A30529-H1 6
3 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
4 257 Know Regret Horse not registered 0
5 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
6 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
129: Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35)
1 149 Elora A30529-H1 10
2 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
3 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
4 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
5 257 Know Regret Horse not registered 0
6 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
7 479 Valdo Horse not registered 0
130: Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35)
1 479 Valdo Horse not registered 0
2 149 Elora A30529-H1 6
3 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
4 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
5 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
6 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
7 257 Know Regret Horse not registered 0
131: Adult Amateur Hunter (18-35)
1 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
2 149 Elora A30529-H1 6
3 479 Valdo Horse not registered 0
4 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
5 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
6 257 Know Regret Horse not registered 0
7 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
132: Adult Amateur Hunter Under Saddle (18-35)
1 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
2 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
3 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
4 149 Elora A30529-H1 2
5 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
6 257 Know Regret Horse not registered 0
7 479 Valdo Horse not registered 0
133: Adult Amateur Hunter (36-50)
1 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
2 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 6
3 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
4 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
5 422 Summer Tan Horse not registered 0
6 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
7 324 CAVALLI Horse not registered 0
8 351 Killarney Horse not registered 0
134: Adult Amateur Hunter (36-50)
1 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
2 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
3 169 It's Friday! Horse not registered 0
4 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
5 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
6 324 CAVALLI Horse not registered 0
7 422 Summer Tan Horse not registered 0
8 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 0
135: Adult Amateur Hunter (36-50)
1 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
3 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
4 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 2
5 324 CAVALLI Horse not registered 0
6 169 It's Friday! Horse not registered 0
7 252 Fire Star Horse not registered 0
8 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
136: Adult Amateur Hunter (36-50)
1 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
2 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
3 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
4 169 It's Friday! Horse not registered 0
5 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 1
6 422 Summer Tan Horse not registered 0
7 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
8 351 Killarney Horse not registered 0
137: Adult Amateur Hunter Under Saddle (36-50)
1 169 It's Friday! Horse not registered 0
2 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
3 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
4 230 Vancouver Horse not registered 0
5 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 1
6 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
7 324 CAVALLI Horse not registered 0
8 351 Killarney Horse not registered 0
138: Adult Amateur Hunter (51 & over)
1 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
2 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
3 339 Front Page Horse not registered 0
139: Adult Amateur Hunter (51 & over)
1 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
2 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
3 339 Front Page Horse not registered 0
140: Adult Amateur Hunter (51 & over)
1 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
2 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
3 339 Front Page Horse not registered 0
141: Adult Amateur Hunter (51 & over)
1 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
2 339 Front Page Horse not registered 0
3 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
142: Adult Amateur Hunter Under Saddle (51 & over)
1 155 Chancellor Horse not registered 0
2 289 Simply Sterling Horse not registered 0
3 339 Front Page Horse not registered 0
Amateur Owner Hunter Division
CL2201: Amateur Owner Hunters (36 & Over) Champion
1 288 Nottingham Horse not registered 0
CL2202: Amateur Owner Hunters (36 & Over) Reserve Champion
2 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
CL2229: Amateur Owner Hunters 18 -35 Champion
1 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
CL2230: Amateur Owner Hunters 18 -35 Reserve Champion
2 312 Wild Rose Horse not registered 0
28: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (18-35)
1 312 WILD ROSE Horse not registered 0
2 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
3 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
4 175 Rio's Ricardo Horse not registered 0
5 499 Coronado Horse not registered 0
29: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (18-35)
1 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
2 175 Rio's Ricardo Horse not registered 0
3 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
4 499 Coronado Horse not registered 0
5 312 WILD ROSE Horse not registered 0
30: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (18-35)
1 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
2 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
3 499 Coronado Horse not registered 0
4 312 WILD ROSE Horse not registered 0
31: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (18-35)
1 312 WILD ROSE Horse not registered 0
2 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
3 499 Coronado Horse not registered 0
4 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
32: $200 Amateur Owner Hunter (18-35) Under Saddle
1 500 Barbados Horse not registered 0
2 312 WILD ROSE Horse not registered 0
3 175 Rio's Ricardo Horse not registered 0
4 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
5 499 Coronado Horse not registered 0
33: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (36 & Over)
1 288 NOTTINGHAM Horse not registered 0
2 489 Pick A Color Horse not registered 0
3 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
4 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
34: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (36 & Over)
1 288 NOTTINGHAM Horse not registered 0
2 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
3 489 Pick A Color Horse not registered 0
4 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
5 167 100% Cotton Horse not registered 0
35: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (36 & Over)
1 288 NOTTINGHAM Horse not registered 0
2 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
3 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
4 489 Pick A Color Horse not registered 0
36: $450 Amateur Owner Hunter (36 & Over)
1 288 NOTTINGHAM Horse not registered 0
2 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
3 489 Pick A Color Horse not registered 0
4 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
5 167 100% Cotton Horse not registered 0
37: $200 Amateur Owner Hunter (36 & Over) Under Saddle
1 167 100% Cotton Horse not registered 0
2 288 NOTTINGHAM Horse not registered 0
3 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
4 489 Pick A Color Horse not registered 0
5 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
Baby Green Hunter Division
CL497: Baby Green Hunters Champion
1 467 Monroe Horse not registered 0
CL498: Baby Green Hunters Reserve Champion
2 163 Manchester Horse not registered 0
102: Baby Green Hunter
1 447 La-Dee-Dah Horse not registered 0
2 163 Manchester Horse not registered 0
3 413 Mr. Darcy Horse not registered 0
4 367 Notting Hill Horse not registered 0
5 202 Rio's Blizzard Horse not registered 0
6 467 Monroe Horse not registered 0
7 415 Adeana Horse not registered 0
8 482 Hope Floats Horse not registered 0
103: Baby Green Hunter
1 163 Manchester Horse not registered 0
2 202 Rio's Blizzard Horse not registered 0
3 447 La-Dee-Dah Horse not registered 0
4 482 Hope Floats Horse not registered 0
5 367 Notting Hill Horse not registered 0
6 413 Mr. Darcy Horse not registered 0
7 415 Adeana Horse not registered 0
8 354 Winston Horse not registered 0
104: Baby Green Hunter
1 332 Tobias Horse not registered 0
2 467 Monroe Horse not registered 0
3 202 Rio's Blizzard Horse not registered 0
4 160 Fifty-Two Eighy Horse not registered 0
5 132 STAR CATCHER Horse not registered 0
6 415 Adeana Horse not registered 0
7 367 Notting Hill Horse not registered 0
8 413 Mr. Darcy Horse not registered 0
105: Baby Green Hunter
1 467 Monroe Horse not registered 0
2 354 Winston Horse not registered 0
3 202 Rio's Blizzard Horse not registered 0
4 132 STAR CATCHER Horse not registered 0
5 163 Manchester Horse not registered 0
6 413 Mr. Darcy Horse not registered 0
7 447 La-Dee-Dah Horse not registered 0
8 415 Adeana Horse not registered 0
106: Baby Green Hunter Under Saddle
1 132 STAR CATCHER Horse not registered 0
2 467 Monroe Horse not registered 0
3 163 Manchester Horse not registered 0
4 413 Mr. Darcy Horse not registered 0
5 415 Adeana Horse not registered 0
6 202 Rio's Blizzard Horse not registered 0
7 479 Valdo Horse not registered 0
8 354 Winston Horse not registered 0
Children's Working Hunter Division
CL499: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under Champion
1 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
CL500: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under Reserve Champion
2 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
CL501: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17) Champion
1 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
CL502: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17) Reserve Champion
2 522 Soulmate Horse not registered 0
107: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under
1 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
2 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 6
3 110 As You Wish Horse not registered 0
4 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
5 305 Home Again Horse not registered 0
6 515 GEMINI Horse not registered 0
7 514 FENWAY Horse not registered 0
8 400 Silent Partner Horse not registered 0
108: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under
1 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
2 305 Home Again Horse not registered 0
3 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 4
4 327 GRANCINO Horse not registered 0
5 514 FENWAY Horse not registered 0
6 400 Silent Partner Horse not registered 0
7 110 As You Wish Horse not registered 0
8 340 RIVALDO Horse not registered 0
109: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under
1 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
2 514 FENWAY Horse not registered 0
3 121 Wunder Light Horse not registered 0
4 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 2
5 400 Silent Partner Horse not registered 0
6 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
7 110 As You Wish Horse not registered 0
8 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 0
110: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under
2 400 Silent Partner Horse not registered 0
3 305 Home Again Horse not registered 0
4 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 2
5 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 1
6 327 GRANCINO Horse not registered 0
7 514 FENWAY Horse not registered 0
8 110 As You Wish Horse not registered 0
111: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under Under Saddle
1 110 As You Wish Horse not registered 0
2 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 6
3 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
4 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
5 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
6 303 DREAMS COME TRUE Horse not registered 0
7 121 Wunder Light Horse not registered 0
8 400 Silent Partner Horse not registered 0
112: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17)
1 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
2 416 Banderas Horse not registered 0
3 119 Van Gogh Horse not registered 0
4 309 Once In A Blue Moon Horse not registered 0
5 153 RIDE TO REMEMBER Horse not registered 0
6 364 Preferred Choice Horse not registered 0
7 308 Code Of Honor Horse not registered 0
8 104 A Major Detail Horse not registered 0
113: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17)
1 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
2 522 Soulmate Horse not registered 0
3 262 Ravello Horse not registered 0
4 309 Once In A Blue Moon Horse not registered 0
5 153 RIDE TO REMEMBER Horse not registered 0
6 416 Banderas Horse not registered 0
7 308 Code Of Honor Horse not registered 0
8 364 Preferred Choice Horse not registered 0
114: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17)
1 119 Van Gogh Horse not registered 0
2 522 Soulmate Horse not registered 0
3 309 Once In A Blue Moon Horse not registered 0
4 308 Code Of Honor Horse not registered 0
5 262 Ravello Horse not registered 0
6 416 Banderas Horse not registered 0
7 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
8 366 Something To Talk About Horse not registered 0
115: Children's Hunter Horse (15-17)
1 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
2 522 Soulmate Horse not registered 0
3 119 Van Gogh Horse not registered 0
4 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
5 309 Once In A Blue Moon Horse not registered 0
6 364 Preferred Choice Horse not registered 0
7 366 Something To Talk About Horse not registered 0
8 262 Ravello Horse not registered 0
116: Children's Hunter Horse Under Saddle (15-17)
1 522 Soulmate Horse not registered 0
2 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
3 119 Van Gogh Horse not registered 0
4 153 RIDE TO REMEMBER Horse not registered 0
5 416 Banderas Horse not registered 0
6 262 Ravello Horse not registered 0
7 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
8 104 A Major Detail Horse not registered 0
Children's Pony Hunter Division
CL503: Children's Hunter Pony Champion
1 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
CL504: Children's Hunter Pony Reserve Champion
2 123 Rendevous 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
117: Children's Hunter Pony
1 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
2 123 Rendevous 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
3 386 Imagine Horse not registered 0
4 117 Virginia Gentleman Horse not registered 0
118: Children's Hunter Pony
1 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
2 395 Rosmel's Rockin Robin Horse not registered 0
3 123 Rendevous 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
4 386 Imagine Horse not registered 0
119: Children's Hunter Pony
1 123 Rendevous 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
3 395 Rosmel's Rockin Robin Horse not registered 0
4 386 Imagine Horse not registered 0
5 117 Virginia Gentleman Horse not registered 0
120: Children's Hunter Pony
1 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
2 123 Rendevous 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
3 395 Rosmel's Rockin Robin Horse not registered 0
4 117 Virginia Gentleman Horse not registered 0
5 386 Imagine Horse not registered 0
121: Children's Hunter Pony Under Saddle
1 342 Brownland's Know It All Horse not registered 0
2 117 Virginia Gentleman Horse not registered 0
3 386 Imagine Horse not registered 0
4 395 Rosmel's Rockin Robin Horse not registered 0
Green Conformation Hunter Division
CL467: Green Conformation Hunters Champion
1 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
CL468: Green Conformation Hunters Reserve Champion
2 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 12
16: Green Conformation Model
1 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
2 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
3 321 Starless Night Horse not registered 0
4 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
5 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
6 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 0.25
17: $450 Green Conformation Hunter
1 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
2 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 6
3 320 Nightlife Horse not registered 0
4 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
5 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
6 321 Starless Night Horse not registered 0
7 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
18: $450 Green Conformation Hunter
1 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
2 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
3 320 Nightlife Horse not registered 0
4 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 2
5 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
6 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
7 321 Starless Night Horse not registered 0
19: $450 Green Conformation Hunter
1 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
2 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
3 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 4
4 320 Nightlife Horse not registered 0
5 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
6 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
20: $450 Green Conformation Hunter
1 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 10
2 320 Nightlife Horse not registered 0
3 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
4 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
5 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
6 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
21: $200 Green Conformation Hunter Under Saddle
1 210 Bonfever Horse not registered 0
2 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
3 253 Kapalua Horse not registered 0
4 328 Northern Lights A30467-H1 2
5 320 Nightlife Horse not registered 0
6 255 Carnegie Horse not registered 0
Green Pony Hunter Division
CL2205: Small/Medium Green Pony Hunters Champion
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
CL2206: Small/Medium Green Pony Hunters Reserve Champion
2 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
76: Green Pony Hunter Small/Medium
1 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
2 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
3 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
4 266 Border Town Horse not registered 0
5 111 Virginia Blue Horse not registered 0
6 376 Foxlair's Gremlin Horse not registered 0
77: Green Pony Hunter Small/Medium
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
2 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
3 376 Foxlair's Gremlin Horse not registered 0
4 111 Virginia Blue Horse not registered 0
5 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
6 266 Border Town Horse not registered 0
78: Green Pony Hunter Small/Medium
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
2 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
3 111 Virginia Blue Horse not registered 0
4 376 Foxlair's Gremlin Horse not registered 0
5 266 Border Town Horse not registered 0
6 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
79: Green Pony Hunter - Conformation Small/Medium
1 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
2 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
3 376 Foxlair's Gremlin Horse not registered 0
4 266 Border Town Horse not registered 0
5 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
6 111 Virginia Blue Horse not registered 0
80: Green Pony Hunter Under Saddle Small/Medium
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
2 111 Virginia Blue Horse not registered 0
3 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
4 307 Key West Horse not registered 0
5 376 Foxlair's Gremlin Horse not registered 0
6 266 Border Town Horse not registered 0
81: $100 Green Pony Hunter Large
1 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
2 341 Autumn Fire Horse not registered 0
3 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
82: $100 Green Pony Hunter Large
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 341 Autumn Fire Horse not registered 0
3 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
83: $100 Green Pony Hunter Large
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 341 Autumn Fire Horse not registered 0
3 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
84: $100 Green Pony Hunter Large - Conformation
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
3 341 Autumn Fire Horse not registered 0
85: $100 Green Pony Hunter Large Under Saddle
1 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
2 341 Autumn Fire Horse not registered 0
3 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
Green Working Hunter Division
CL461: First Year Green Working Hunters Champion
1 273 Polaroid Horse not registered 0
CL462: First Year Green Working Hunters Reserve Champion
2 287 NORTH SHORE Horse not registered 0
CL463: Second Year Green Hunters Champion
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
CL464: Second Year Green Hunters Reserve Champion
2 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
1: $450 First Year Green Working Hunter
1 287 NORTH SHORE Horse not registered 0
2 273 Polaroid Horse not registered 0
3 259 Hatfield Horse not registered 0
4 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 2
5 448 Sweet Talk Horse not registered 0
6 306 Vincero' Horse not registered 0
7 336 Davita Horse not registered 0
8 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 0
10: $200 Second Year Green Hunter Under Saddle
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
3 260 The Real McCoy Horse not registered 0
4 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
5 151 Harlequin A30790-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 4/30/2007) 0
6 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
7 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
2: $450First Year Green Working Hunter
1 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 10
2 273 Polaroid Horse not registered 0
3 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 4
4 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
5 448 Sweet Talk Horse not registered 0
6 287 NORTH SHORE Horse not registered 0
7 306 Vincero' Horse not registered 0
8 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
3: $450 First Year Green Working Hunter
1 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
2 140 Insignia A30580-H3 6
3 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
4 306 Vincero' Horse not registered 0
5 352 At The Market Horse not registered 0
6 337 Slimitar Horse not registered 0
7 136 Adelante Horse not registered 0
8 379 Monochromatic Horse not registered 0
4: $450 First Year Green Working Hunter
1 287 NORTH SHORE Horse not registered 0
2 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
3 346 Call Me Back Horse not registered 0
4 140 Insignia A30580-H3 2
5 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 1
6 448 Sweet Talk Horse not registered 0
7 273 Polaroid Horse not registered 0
8 336 Davita Horse not registered 0
5: $200 First Year Green Working Hunters Under Saddle
1 273 Polaroid Horse not registered 0
2 259 Hatfield Horse not registered 0
3 137 Matter of Trust A30465-H1 4
4 213 Rubicon Z Horse not registered 0
5 140 Insignia A30580-H3 1
6 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 0.5
7 336 Davita Horse not registered 0
8 126 Raindance Horse not registered 0
6: $450 Second Year Green Hunter
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
2 260 The Real McCoy Horse not registered 0
3 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
4 331 Primera Horse not registered 0
5 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
6 441 Origine Horse not registered 0
7 151 Harlequin A30790-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 4/30/2007) 0
8 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
7: $450 Second Year Green Hunter
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
2 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
3 441 Origine Horse not registered 0
4 260 The Real McCoy Horse not registered 0
5 331 Primera Horse not registered 0
6 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
7 151 Harlequin A30790-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 4/30/2007) 0
8 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
8: $450 Second Year Green Hunter
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
2 441 Origine Horse not registered 0
3 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
4 331 Primera Horse not registered 0
5 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
6 260 The Real McCoy Horse not registered 0
7 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
8 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
9: $450 Second Year Green Hunter
1 272 Crossroads Horse not registered 0
2 356 Candide Horse not registered 0
3 267 Alla Nita Horse not registered 0
4 441 Origine Horse not registered 0
5 331 Primera Horse not registered 0
6 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
7 260 The Real McCoy Horse not registered 0
8 256 Sailor Man Horse not registered 0
Junior Working Hunter Division
CL473: Small Junior Hunters Champion
1 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
CL474: Small Junior Hunters Reserve Champion
2 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
CL475: Large Junior Hunters 15 & Under Champion
1 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
CL476: Large Junior Hunters 15 & Under Reserve Champion
2 524 Fool Proof Horse not registered 0
CL477: Large Junior Hunters (16 & 17) Champion
1 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
CL478: Large Junior Hunters (16 & 17) Reserve Champion
2 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
38: $300 Small Junior Hunter
1 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
2 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
3 458 Rave Horse not registered 0
4 530 Contender Horse not registered 0
5 521 Dominick A30480-H3 1
6 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
39: $300 Small Junior Hunter
1 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
2 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
3 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
4 530 Contender Horse not registered 0
5 458 Rave Horse not registered 0
6 521 Dominick A30480-H3 0.5
40: $300 Small Junior Hunter
1 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
2 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
3 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
4 458 Rave Horse not registered 0
5 530 Contender Horse not registered 0
6 521 Dominick A30480-H3 0.5
41: $300 Small Junior Hunter
1 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
2 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
3 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
4 530 Contender Horse not registered 0
5 521 Dominick A30480-H3 1
42: $100 Small Junior Hunter Under Saddle
1 278 Classic Sun Horse not registered 0
2 521 Dominick A30480-H3 6
3 457 Call It Art Horse not registered 0
4 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
5 458 Rave Horse not registered 0
6 530 Contender Horse not registered 0
48: $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under
1 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
2 477 Nicoletta Horse not registered 0
3 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
4 302 Cool Silver Horse not registered 0
5 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
6 277 Gratuity Horse not registered 0
7 524 Fool Proof Horse not registered 0
8 254 Swingtown Horse not registered 0
49: $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under
1 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
2 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
3 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
4 302 Cool Silver Horse not registered 0
5 277 Gratuity Horse not registered 0
6 254 Swingtown Horse not registered 0
7 477 Nicoletta Horse not registered 0
50: $300 Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under
1 524 Fool Proof Horse not registered 0
2 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
3 477 Nicoletta Horse not registered 0
4 302 Cool Silver Horse not registered 0
5 325 Cavallino A30613-H1 1
6 326 LIBERTY Horse not registered 0
7 254 Swingtown Horse not registered 0
8 277 Gratuity Horse not registered 0
51: $300Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under
1 326 LIBERTY Horse not registered 0
2 254 Swingtown Horse not registered 0
3 524 Fool Proof Horse not registered 0
4 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
5 325 Cavallino A30613-H1 1
6 302 Cool Silver Horse not registered 0
7 477 Nicoletta Horse not registered 0
8 277 Gratuity Horse not registered 0
52: $100 Large Junior Hunter Under Saddle 15 & Under
1 378 Sweet Addiction Horse not registered 0
2 477 Nicoletta Horse not registered 0
3 156 Gatsby Horse not registered 0
4 158 Walk The Line Horse not registered 0
5 524 Fool Proof Horse not registered 0
6 157 Sunset Strip Horse not registered 0
7 306 Vincero' Horse not registered 0
8 277 Gratuity Horse not registered 0
53: $300 Large Junior Hunter (16 & 17)
1 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
2 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
3 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
4 133 Arctic Gale Horse not registered 0
5 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
6 385 Laureate Horse not registered 0
7 101 La Tache Horse not registered 0
8 516 Saint Flying Smoke Horse not registered 0
54: $300 Large Junior Hunter (16 & 17)
1 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
3 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
4 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
5 101 La Tache Horse not registered 0
6 385 Laureate Horse not registered 0
7 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 0
8 516 Saint Flying Smoke Horse not registered 0
55: $300 Large Junior Hunter (16 & 17)
1 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
2 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
3 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 4
4 133 Arctic Gale Horse not registered 0
5 101 La Tache Horse not registered 0
6 385 Laureate Horse not registered 0
7 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
8 380 Ibaro Horse not registered 0
56: $300 Large Junior Hunter (16 & 17)
1 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 6
3 385 Laureate Horse not registered 0
4 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
5 101 La Tache Horse not registered 0
6 133 Arctic Gale Horse not registered 0
7 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
8 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
57: $100 Large Junior Hunter Under Saddle (16 & 17)
1 135 Chaperone Horse not registered 0
2 144 Make Believe A30608-H1 6
3 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
4 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
5 101 La Tache Horse not registered 0
6 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
7 133 Arctic Gale Horse not registered 0
8 380 Ibaro Horse not registered 0
Low Working Hunter Division
CL495: Low Hunters Champion
1 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
CL496: Low Hunters Reserve Champion
2 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
100: Low Hunter
1 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 305 Home Again Horse not registered 0
3 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
4 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
5 139 Dear John Horse not registered 0
6 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 0.5
7 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
8 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
101: Low Hunter Under Saddle
1 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 10
2 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
97: Low Hunter
1 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
2 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
3 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
4 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 2
5 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
6 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
7 146 Temptation A30571-H2 0
8 422 Summer Tan Horse not registered 0
98: Low Hunter
1 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
2 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
3 129 LUIGI Horse not registered 0
4 143 Pharoah A30566-H1 2
5 285 Cintara Horse not registered 0
6 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
7 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
8 422 Summer Tan Horse not registered 0
99: Low Hunter
1 461 American Beauty 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
2 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
3 323 TANGIERS Horse not registered 0
4 197 Alecor Horse not registered 0
5 434 Rio's La de Dah Horse not registered 0
6 460 Simply Lucas Horse not registered 0
7 399 Al Capone Horse not registered 0
8 345 Glee Horse not registered 0
Pony Hunter Division
CL481: Small Pony Hunters Champion
1 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
CL482: Small Pony Hunters Reserve Champion
2 527 Hillcrest Blue Gemstone Horse not registered 0
CL483: Medium Pony Hunters Champion
1 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
CL484: Medium Pony Hunters Reserve Champion
2 430 Majic Man Horse not registered 0
CL485: Large Pony Hunters Champion
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
CL486: Large Pony Hunters Reserve Champion
2 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
CL489: Large Green Pony Hunters Champion
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
CL490: Large Green Pony Hunters Reserve Champion
2 361 Ooh La La Horse not registered 0
59: $200 Small Pony Hunter
1 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
2 264 Rumor Has It Horse not registered 0
3 537 Rain Bonnett Horse not registered 0
4 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
5 527 Hillcrest Blue Gemstone Horse not registered 0
6 235 Believe Horse not registered 0
7 468 Buddy Wizer Horse not registered 0
8 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
60: $200 Small Pony Hunter
2 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
3 537 Rain Bonnett Horse not registered 0
4 264 Rumor Has It Horse not registered 0
5 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
6 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
7 235 Believe Horse not registered 0
8 468 Buddy Wizer Horse not registered 0
61: $200 Small Pony Hunter
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
2 527 Hillcrest Blue Gemstone Horse not registered 0
3 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
4 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
5 264 Rumor Has It Horse not registered 0
6 235 Believe Horse not registered 0
7 468 Buddy Wizer Horse not registered 0
8 537 Rain Bonnett Horse not registered 0
62: $200 Small Pony Hunter - Conformation
1 527 Hillcrest Blue Gemstone Horse not registered 0
2 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
3 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
4 264 Rumor Has It Horse not registered 0
5 468 Buddy Wizer Horse not registered 0
6 537 Rain Bonnett Horse not registered 0
7 235 Believe Horse not registered 0
8 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
63: $200 Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle
1 116 Champlain Clementine Horse not registered 0
2 527 Hillcrest Blue Gemstone Horse not registered 0
3 537 Rain Bonnett Horse not registered 0
4 528 Magic Carousel Horse not registered 0
5 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
6 264 Rumor Has It Horse not registered 0
7 468 Buddy Wizer Horse not registered 0
65: $200 Medium Pony Hunter
1 430 MAJIC MAN Horse not registered 0
2 248 Jest For Fun A30477-H1 6
3 113 American Idol Horse not registered 0
4 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
5 431 LUCKY TOO Horse not registered 0
6 237 Elite Movida Horse not registered 0
7 241 Rated G Horse not registered 0
66: $200 Medium Pony Hunter
1 430 MAJIC MAN Horse not registered 0
2 113 American Idol Horse not registered 0
3 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
4 248 Jest For Fun A30477-H1 2
5 431 LUCKY TOO Horse not registered 0
6 237 Elite Movida Horse not registered 0
7 241 Rated G Horse not registered 0
8 263 Nemo Horse not registered 0
67: $200 Medium Pony Hunter
1 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
2 113 American Idol Horse not registered 0
3 248 Jest For Fun A30477-H1 4
4 431 LUCKY TOO Horse not registered 0
5 430 MAJIC MAN Horse not registered 0
6 241 Rated G Horse not registered 0
7 237 Elite Movida Horse not registered 0
8 263 Nemo Horse not registered 0
68: $200 Medium Pony Hunter - Conformation
1 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
2 431 LUCKY TOO Horse not registered 0
3 113 American Idol Horse not registered 0
4 237 Elite Movida Horse not registered 0
5 248 Jest For Fun A30477-H1 1
6 263 Nemo Horse not registered 0
7 430 MAJIC MAN Horse not registered 0
8 241 Rated G Horse not registered 0
69: $200 Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle
1 274 Highland's Castle Horse not registered 0
2 430 MAJIC MAN Horse not registered 0
3 113 American Idol Horse not registered 0
4 237 Elite Movida Horse not registered 0
5 431 LUCKY TOO Horse not registered 0
6 241 Rated G Horse not registered 0
7 248 Jest For Fun A30477-H1 0
8 263 Nemo Horse not registered 0
71: $200 Large Pony Hunter
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
3 432 Halcyon Let's Luau Horse not registered 0
4 526 Foxlair Infinity Horse not registered 0
5 238 Dawned On Me Horse not registered 0
6 112 Appeal Horse not registered 0
7 275 Prince William Horse not registered 0
72: $200 Large Pony Hunter
1 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
2 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
3 238 Dawned On Me Horse not registered 0
4 112 Appeal Horse not registered 0
5 432 Halcyon Let's Luau Horse not registered 0
6 275 Prince William Horse not registered 0
7 526 Foxlair Infinity Horse not registered 0
73: $200 Large Pony Hunter
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 526 Foxlair Infinity Horse not registered 0
3 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
4 238 Dawned On Me Horse not registered 0
5 112 Appeal Horse not registered 0
6 432 Halcyon Let's Luau Horse not registered 0
7 275 Prince William Horse not registered 0
74: $200 Large Pony Hunter - Conformation
1 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
2 526 Foxlair Infinity Horse not registered 0
3 432 Halcyon Let's Luau Horse not registered 0
4 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
5 275 Prince William Horse not registered 0
6 238 Dawned On Me Horse not registered 0
75: $200 Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle
1 238 Dawned On Me Horse not registered 0
2 428 Land's End Lucky Star Horse not registered 0
3 275 Prince William Horse not registered 0
4 526 Foxlair Infinity Horse not registered 0
5 432 Halcyon Let's Luau Horse not registered 0
6 243 Candy Gram Horse not registered 0
7 112 Appeal Horse not registered 0
Pre Green Hunter Division
CL491: Pre-Green Hunters I - 3' Champion
1 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
CL492: Pre-Green Hunters I - 3' Reserve Champion
2 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
CL493: Pre-Green Hunters II - 3'3 Champion
1 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
CL494: Pre-Green Hunters II - 3'3 Reserve Champion
2 142 Lindos A30602-H3 12
87: Pre-Green Hunter I - 3'
1 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
2 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
3 290 BELIEVE Horse not registered 0
4 449 Southbound Horse not registered 0
5 343 After Dark Horse not registered 0
6 139 Dear John Horse not registered 0
7 303 Dreams Come True Horse not registered 0
8 382 Playen A Secret Horse not registered 0
88: Pre-Green Hunter I - 3'
1 139 Dear John Horse not registered 0
2 198 RENDEZVOUS Horse not registered 0
3 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
4 138 Victorious A30830-H2 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 6/14/2007) 0
5 290 BELIEVE Horse not registered 0
6 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
7 335 Tempered Steel Horse not registered 0
8 303 Dreams Come True Horse not registered 0
89: Pre-Green Hunter I - 3'
1 303 Dreams Come True Horse not registered 0
2 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
3 139 Dear John Horse not registered 0
4 290 BELIEVE Horse not registered 0
5 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
6 449 Southbound Horse not registered 0
7 333 Con - Air Horse not registered 0
8 120 Hailey Horse not registered 0
90: Pre-Green Hunter I - 3'
1 322 Tru Horse not registered 0
2 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
3 303 Dreams Come True Horse not registered 0
4 290 BELIEVE Horse not registered 0
5 139 Dear John Horse not registered 0
6 343 After Dark Horse not registered 0
7 449 Southbound Horse not registered 0
8 382 Playen A Secret Horse not registered 0
91: Pre-Green Hunter Under Saddle I - 3'
1 343 After Dark Horse not registered 0
2 286 Risque Horse not registered 0
3 268 Mclaren Horse not registered 0
4 290 BELIEVE Horse not registered 0
5 105 Westminster Abby Horse not registered 0
6 382 Playen A Secret Horse not registered 0
7 387 Contessa-Noir Horse not registered 0
8 360 Hamilton Horse not registered 0
92: $225 Pre-Green Hunter II - 3'3
1 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
2 340 Rivaldo Horse not registered 0
3 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
4 142 Lindos A30602-H3 2
5 194 Maverick Horse not registered 0
6 211 SCOUT Horse not registered 0
7 102 Versailles Horse not registered 0
8 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
93: $225 Pre-Green Hunter II - 3'3
1 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
2 340 Rivaldo Horse not registered 0
3 102 Versailles Horse not registered 0
4 142 Lindos A30602-H3 2
5 211 SCOUT Horse not registered 0
6 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
7 194 Maverick Horse not registered 0
8 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
94: $225 Pre-Green Hunter II - 3'3
1 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
2 142 Lindos A30602-H3 6
3 211 SCOUT Horse not registered 0
4 102 Versailles Horse not registered 0
5 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
6 194 Maverick Horse not registered 0
7 340 Rivaldo Horse not registered 0
95: $225 Pre-Green Hunter II - 3'3
1 211 SCOUT Horse not registered 0
2 102 Versailles Horse not registered 0
3 142 Lindos A30602-H3 4
4 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
5 159 Braeburn 2007 horse renewal not yet received/processed 0
6 340 Rivaldo Horse not registered 0
7 194 Maverick Horse not registered 0
96: $100 Pre-Green Hunter Under Saddle II - 3'3
1 102 Versailles Horse not registered 0
2 261 Telluride Horse not registered 0
3 142 Lindos A30602-H3 4
4 478 New Orleans Z Horse not registered 0
5 340 Rivaldo Horse not registered 0
Regular Working Hunter Division
CL465: Regular Working Hunters Champion
1 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
CL466: Regular Working Hunters Reserve Champion
2 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
11: $200 Regular Working Hunter
1 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
2 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
3 384 Gonzilla Horse not registered 0
12: $200 Regular Working Hunter
1 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
2 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
3 384 Gonzilla Horse not registered 0
13: $200 Regular Working Hunter
1 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
2 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
3 384 Gonzilla Horse not registered 0
14: $200 Regular Working Hunter
1 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
2 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
3 384 Gonzilla Horse not registered 0
15: $200 Regular Working Hunter Under Saddle
1 265 Keepsake Horse not registered 0
2 440 Notorious Horse not registered 0
3 384 Gonzilla Horse not registered 0
Short Stirrup Hunter Division
CL521: Short Stirrup Hunters - 2' Champion
1 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
CL522: Short Stirrup Hunters - 2' Reserve Champion
2 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
172: Short Stirrup Hunter - 2'
1 227 Peppermint Patty A30765-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 3/10/2007) 0
2 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
3 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
173: Short Stirrup Hunter - 2'
1 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
2 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
3 227 Peppermint Patty A30765-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 3/10/2007) 0
174: Short Stirrup Hunter - 2'
1 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
2 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
3 227 Peppermint Patty A30765-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 3/10/2007) 0
175: Short Stirrup Hunter - 2'
1 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
2 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
3 227 Peppermint Patty A30765-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 3/10/2007) 0
176: Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle
1 196 Woodland's Blue Diamond Horse not registered 0
2 247 Elite Monte Cristo A30302-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 1/5/2007) 0
3 227 Peppermint Patty A30765-H1 Horse renewal late (show 12/10/2006, renewal 3/10/2007) 0