IHJA Schedule Members Horses A Divisions B Divisions IHJA
Horses by Alphabet - A Circuit 2009
   *see A Show Schedule for list of outstanding show results
   *see A Posted Shows for results from individual shows
Ab Original Absolut Acapella Aces & Eights
Ace's High Achilles Adagio Aerobic 34
Africa After Hours After Hours AfterThought
Agent ninty-nine Aguila Air Force One Alabama
Aladdin Alastair Alexander's Coco Alley Cat
Alpenglow Amador Amelia Bedelia Amsterdam
Amy's Gem Annapolis Annie Dorrie Anything But Ordinary
Anything Goes Apartico Apollo Apres Soleil
Aramis Aranka Argyle Arion's Arrow
Armstrong Artreju Arturius As Good As It Gets
As You Wish Asiago Athena Atlas
Atticus Attis Aristo Aume De La Lande Auois Classic Pleasure
Avatar Aztec Azul
Bakersfield Bally Mac Baltic Indulgence Barbara
Barcadi Barcelona Beacoup Beau Rivage
Believe It Believe N Me Bella Bella Noire
Bella Rouge Ben There n Back Bentley Bert
Bewitched Bijou Billy Madison Bishop
Black Mischief Black Rock Black Tie Blessed Conquista
Blonde Ambition Blossom Blue Chip Blue Steel
Bobby Socks Boghati Bombardier Bon Amante
Borneo Boundless Braczen Braeburn
Brighton Brosius Buddy Love Bugatti
Bull Runs Apollo Anton
Cabela Cactus Cactus Caladesi
Caljary Calliope Canadian Storm Capital Gain
Capone Cardhu Caretino Carlotta
Carmachon Caruso Casanova Casanova
Castle Hill Farm's Stryker Cavalier Cavalli Cavallino
Cayman Cecero Ceno 3 Centurio
Centurion B Champagne Chardonnay Charlemagne
Charleston Z Chasing Rainbows Checkmate Cheketta Checch?
Chelano Z II Chelsie D Chester Chesterton Charm
Chocolate Moose Ciano Ciao Bella Cilli 7
Cinch Cinzano Cisco Kid Claim Jumper
Classic Royal Clockwork Cloud Nine M.F. Cocabamba
Coco Chanel Concetto Constellation Cookies N' Cream
Cooper Cor De La Lune Coritano Corlando
Corrato Count Count de Monet Countdown
Crescendo Crown Cuervo Curious George M.F.
Daddy's OT Dakarai Dalwhinne Dandy Lion
Danse Du Soleil Dante Dark Secret D'Artagnan
Dear Abby Deklin Del Mar Delilah M.F.
Delovely Desert Pete Devlin Devon-aure
Diabelle Diamond Diamond Diamonds & Gold
Disco Dolce Don Giovanni Donativo
Don't B Nosey Double Intentions Dow Jones Dressed To Impress
Dublin Dublin Bay Dulce' Vida Dutch Bebe
Early Applause Eclair DuBeny Eclipse B Edward Himself
Elmo River Elphaba Enchante Encore
English Ivy Enticer Enzo 12 Epic
Equity Erin Meadows Invincible Esquilino Bay Euro Commerce Rome
Evans Crimson Fox Ever Since Exupery Eye Envey
Fantasmic Fast Break Fat Actor Featured Artist
Feelin' Groovy Fellini Fernhill Flash Filius
Finale' Finally Mine Firefly First Kiss
Flaglar Flash Jet Flash of Gold Florentino
Fly Boy Flynn Follow Your Dreams For Furioso
For Real Foresight Four on the Floor Frequent Flyer
Freshly Painted Front Row Future Showgirl
Galleywood Galoupard Game Twist Garrett
Get A Clue Gianni Gibson Gingersnap
Glenmore Pinkie Glorious Golden Snitch Gonna Get A Spankin
Good Will Hunter Gorgeous Gospel Gossip Girl
Grace Grand Illusion Grand Slam Granted Wish
Green Alligator Grey Goose Gucci Guess Again
Halliwood Hampton Hayden Heaven Can Wait
Heaven Sent Hello Merlot Here Comes The Sun Hidden Creek's Sterling
Hidden Dragon Hidden Springs Perrwinkle High Rustler Highcliff
Hillcrest Blue Cwilt Hillcrest Snow Pixie Hocus Pocus Hollywood Too
Hopi Houlligan Huckleberry Huckleberry Finn
Hugs & Kisses Hunter De Laume
I Love Lucy Ides of March Illusion I'm Not Blue
Ima Good 1 - 2 Imagination Imagine Tiss Impressive Image
In A Fix In The Moment In The Mood Indelible
Indian Giver Indio Indiscreet Inner DJ
Insignia Into The Mystic Intrepid Invitation Only
Ireland Irish Eyes Irish Moon Iron Legacy
Iron Legend Ironrule Issadora It's A Breeze
It's All Good Izzy A Firecracker
Ja'dore Moi Jamestown Jazz It Up Jesse James
Jessie Jane Jiminy Cricket Jo Johnny T.
Jordy Jorge Josephine Juneau
Junior Junior Junior Mint Just a Whisper
Just Because Just Ducky Just Milo
Kailua Bay Kaleidoscope Kallisto Kanadian Ice
Kano Kappuccino Kara Kardigan Noir
Karnival Kash Kaydin Z Keepen Posted
Kensington Kenyan King Of Hearts Kingston
Kodak Moment Konnichiwa
La Paz Laguna Lake Effect Lambada
Lancelott Langdon Street Langley Lanshark
Lansley Lanstar Mercedes Last Liquido Lavacapo
Lazaro Le Tigre Marron Leila L'Emir
Let's Go Lexington Avenue Life of the Party Life Takes Visa
Limited Edition Little Cloud Little Dancer Little Joey
Little Miss Little Miss Hopscotch Little Miss Sunshine Little Rock
Lonestar Lord Stanley Lordante Love Story
Lucky Charm Lucky Luciano Lumiere Luminere
Mac Daddy Mackinaw Madrid Maestro
Maga La Silla Magnificent Miles Major League Malibu Blondie
Malita Me Manhattan Mantovani Quattro Marcazarr
Markelo Marvelous Future Maverick Mayhem
Meet Me In Hollywood Melbourne Merlin 369 Micenas
Milan Miles of Smiles Mill Run's Highlight Million Dollar Baby
Milous de Fontaine Mirasol Miss Fancy Pants Miss Kitty
Miss Manners M.F. Mocha Latte Montecito Montgomery
Moondance Moonlit Skye Mozart MVP
My Celtic Dream My Little Brother Myco's Dream
Namesake Nantahala Nantucket Navigator
Nestle Never in Time Never Row New Edition
New Light Newago Nick of Time Nicolette
Night Game Niles Nina Bonita Nivo
No No Nanette No Regrets Noble Norlam Des Etisses
Northside Nostalgia N'Style Nutcracker
Obsession Ocala Ohm Olaf
Olivaire Oloma On The Spot Only You 11
Onyx Orame Orchard Hill's Why Not Orion
Osiris Out of the Blue Over The Moon Oxford
Padraig Page Six Painted Desert Paladino
Pankai Parade Paramour Parlay
Parrot Bay Pascal Pasific Sun Pedro 259
Penfold Park Pepe Pepper Corn Pepperment Twist M.F.
Perfect Landing Perseus Pharoah Philip
Phoenix de Ligoure Picture Perfect Pilot Pinot Noir
Pinwheel Playing Games Pollux0103 Pony.com
Pop Art Poppycock Portugal Posh
Precious Moment Press To Play Priceless Prince William
Probable Cause Prodigy Providence Purdey
Purple Rain
Rafa Raja That Rammlinger Ravello
Razzmatazz Ready Set go Reagan Rebound
Rechrome Red Carpet Regent's Park Reggie Pepper
Relentless Remarkable Remarkable Lass Resplendance
Retro Girl Rhianna Rico Suave Rielly
Rigshan De Lauzelle Rinka Rio Rio's Robinson
Riscada River Rock 10 Riviera Roc All Night
Roc Du Trionipite Roc Holiday Roc Hudson Roc Idol
Roc My World Roc of Angels Roc Outure Roc Paper Scissors
Roc Star Roc Steady Rocford Rochette
Rock America Rock Candy Rock Legend Rock N Style
Rock Solid Rock The Kasbah Rocketman Rockin Riley
Rocky Dare Roconteur Roc's Anala Roc's Anne
Roc's Irish Rose Roc's Lalique Rocs to Riches Rokoko
Roman Holiday Roman Star 22 Romeo Ronaldo
Rondiamo Rosie Roulette 22 Ruben
Rum Runner Running With Scissors Runway Model Rupert
Rustler K/D
S S Couture Sadie Hawkins S'Adorable Safari
Sagamalo Salt Lake Samba In The Rain Samurai
Sancier Sander Sansierra Santa Anna
Santana Santo Lugano Saphira Sarafina
Sasha Satisfaction Guaranteed Savion Scapa
Scenes of Winter Scorpio Second Chance Semper Fi
Sensitive Prince Serville Share The Road Shikito
Show Me Some Leg Showbiz Shrek Silhouette
Silver Edition Simply The Best Single Handed Sintra
Sky Captain Small Fortune Smooth Sailing Sneak Preview
Snow Bunny Social Graces Solei Solitaire
Solo Sorrento Sounds of Silence South Wind
Special Edition Spectacular Success Splash Down Sport Shorts
Sportsfan St. Elmoz Fyre Steeling Elegance Stella Artois
Stepping Stone Stiletto Stir it up Stone Haven Ring Master
Stonewall Stetson Styles Summer Summer Walk
Super Dave Super Fly Superman Surprise Party
Sweet Escape Sweet Shenandoah Sweet Spot Swiss Miss
T. Rex Take A Chantz Taladega Tally It Up
Tandoori Tapestry Tayfoon Temptation
That'll Do The Artful Dodger M.F. The Beez Knees The Escape Artist
The Other Woman Tia Maria Tiger Lily Tiger Lily
Til Evening Time Well Spent Titulus TNT
Tolgrana Toy Town Traper Traveler
Treasure Tredington Suite Trick Tricky Cricket
Triple Threat Triton True Blue True Blue M.F.
True North Trust Me Tulane Turn Lucky
Ulterior Motives Unique Unwritten
Valentine Valiant Vanquish Varina
Velvet Verdicchio Veto Victor
Victorious Victory Lane Viewfinder Viva
Vivaldi B Vlex
Walk On Waltzaway Well Said West Point
What Dreams May Come Who's Business Wind Chime Winning Hand
WInter Place Winterset With Honors Wokina
Wonder Boy Van De Kateshoeve Wonderful White
Xander Xander
Yippee Skippy
Zandro Zaparina Zarah Zero Point
Zinardi Zip The Lip Zippity Dew Da Zoelander