Great Lakes Equestrian Festival IV, Circuit: A, USEF # A-332366, End Date: Jul 30, 2023 | |||||||
Class | Place | # | Horse | Rider | Points | IHJA Division | |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 872 | BOHEME DU MOULIN | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1075 | CARINO DU HERRIN | MORRISSEY MICHAEL | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1764 | CHRISSIKOS | VAN DER HOEVEN MARTIEN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1219 | CLYDE VA | JACOBS MAGGIE | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1783 | CONSTAKKOΓÇÖS BOY | ORTH ALLISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1915 | DIVA KAREF BH | GOCHMAN MIMI | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 888 | ELITE SEMILLY | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2020 | ERACHELLE -S | HERO GABRIELLE | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1718 | ESTER DE MAUGRE | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 132 | FABREGAS | SMITH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2232 | FONTAINEBLEAU BS | SANTOS SCHNEIDER ATENA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2053 | FULL STAR DU PARK | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1949 | GAESBEKERS GABBERTJE | HARDY CORY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1074 | GERMETA W | MORRISSEY MICHAEL | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1878 | GIRABELL | EWANOUSKI CHRIS M | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1603 | GOOD LUCK HERO Z | NEWSOME RILEY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2230 | GUCCI | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1910 | INCLEN BH | KENNY DARRAGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1046 | INDAGO | SANDERS MADISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1943 | INFURIA P&P | HARDY CORY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2061 | IRANTA | BALLARD ERYNN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2062 | IRON LADY VAN DE KRANENBURG | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 565 | JAMBEAU | BENEDETTO JAMES | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1339 | JODOCUS VR | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1714 | KADAFI VAN 'T HOF VAN PAYZ | BRITTAN SPENCER | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 446 | LA BONNE VIE | FARISH DAISY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2036 | LADY CONOR | DENIS CHAMBON MAYA INES | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2066 | LINUS | BALLARD ERYNN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2231 | LITTLE LORD 112 | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2026 | LORD UP | SCHULZE AUDREY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2131 | LUKAKU VD BISSCHOP | RAY LEXI | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1608 | LUKE SKYWALKER 70 | NEWSOME RILEY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1666 | MELARO OLD | KENNY DARRAGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 630 | MOET DOR | LANGMEIER MCKAYLA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2025 | OAK GROVEΓÇÖS DESPERADO | SCHULZE AUDREY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1504 | PARIS DH Z | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 167 | QUALA VD ROLLEBEEK | FARISH DAISY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1721 | QUOLONKO VAN HET WEIDSE HOF | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1065 | ULTIMATE TOUCH ML Z | MORRISSEY MICHAEL | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1610 | INDIO | GRANATO ALEX | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 2048 | FACHODA DE HUS | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1311 | BRASSANTE | CERRA THOMAS | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1917 | BILLY LEGEND | KENNY DARRAGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2156 | OO SEVEN DE LΓÇÖEQUIPE | MENDOZA JESSICA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 844 | CHEETAH ASK Z | POPE JACOB | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 2070 | NOBEL VD BISSCHOP | FERDER ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1008: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 843 | ICI | POPE JACOB | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 0 | 2188 | CALINA | YOFRE TOMAS | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 0 | 476 | DAGNY | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 0 | 549 | IT TAKES TWO | DRISCOLL CATHLEEN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 0 | 999 | LUANDER | BILLINGTON JAMES | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 0 | 1504 | PARIS DH Z | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 1 | 2243 | ESPRI O | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 2 | 1725 | ICE | BALLARD ERYNN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 3 | 2248 | GIO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 4 | 1984 | CHACCOS CHERRY PS | BLUMAN ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 5 | 1721 | QUOLONKO VAN HET WEIDSE HOF | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 6 | 194 | LANYON PS | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 7 | 1983 | DISABELLA | BLUMAN ILAN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1009: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.d | 8 | 2193 | GALAXY | YOFRE TOMAS | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2097 | ALBFUEHRENS SECRET | RAMSAY SAMANTHA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1764 | CHRISSIKOS | VAN DER HOEVEN MARTIEN | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2027 | DALAKANN DE BREMOY | SCHULZE AUDREY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1603 | GOOD LUCK HERO Z | NEWSOME RILEY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1727 | H&M CRUSADER ICE | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 476 | DAGNY | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1721 | QUOLONKO VAN HET WEIDSE HOF | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2188 | CALINA | YOFRE TOMAS | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 630 | MOET DOR | LANGMEIER MCKAYLA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 194 | LANYON PS | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 2208 | TOULOMBA | MOYHER REBECCA | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1915 | DIVA KAREF BH | GOCHMAN MIMI | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1010: $1000 1.30M Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1910 | INCLEN BH | GOCHMAN MIMI | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101008: 1.30m Jumper | 1 | 476 | DAGNY | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101008: 1.30m Jumper | 2 | 2243 | ESPRI O | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101008: 1.30m Jumper | 2 | 1610 | INDIO | GRANATO ALEX | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101008: 1.30m Jumper | 2 | 1721 | QUOLONKO VAN HET WEIDSE HOF | ROBITAILLE ALISON | 0 | Modified Jumper 1.25-1.3m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101030: High Junior/Amateur Jumper | 1 | 872 | BOHEME DU MOULIN | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101030: High Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 2495 | W. TONIX HERO | ANGUS JOHN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 1 | 1694 | DIAMARIA | THAMES GRACE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 1736 | BILLY KIARA | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 1441 | EXCELLENT | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 496 | ILON | VANDENBURG KATELYN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 1604 | SIG BEAUJOLAIS | MC CARTHY KEVIN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101033: Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper | 2 | 114 | ZANDORA Z | CLIVIO CHARLOTTE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101036: Low Junior Jumper | 1 | 311 | EZMERALDA EH Z | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101036: Low Junior Jumper | 2 | 506 | DIANA DE GREE | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101036: Low Junior Jumper | 2 | 1608 | LUKE SKYWALKER 70 | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101040: Adult Amateur Jumper Section | 1 | 2013 | BINJA | AITKEN EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101040: Adult Amateur Jumper Section | 2 | 2122 | CALCI GAMBA | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper Section | 1 | 2244 | CHABLIS | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper Section | 2 | 2480 | ULTIMATE | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101050: Children's Jumper | 1 | 307 | COLINA SN | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101050: Children's Jumper | 2 | 1741 | TOY SOLDIER | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101055: Low Children's Jumper | 1 | 2135 | GIRL OF WILDWOOD | HILFERS CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101055: Low Children's Jumper | 2 | 2147 | QUANTIMERA | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101104: PreChildren's/Adult .85 Jumper | 1 | 1801 | LADY ANTEBELLUM | RAHAIM ALINE | 0 | Modified Children's Jumper .95m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101104: PreChildren's/Adult .85 Jumper | 2 | 1343 | CHINE VAN'T SCHANSHOF Z | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Children's Jumper .95m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101136: Low Amateur Jumper | 1 | 1315 | PEARL OF GREY VHL | MCLAREN JEAN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101136: Low Amateur Jumper | 2 | 548 | BLUE DIAMANT | RICE MARISSA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
101136: Low Amateur Jumper | 2 | 1999 | DELTA LADY Z | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102002: Green Hunters | 1 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102002: Green Hunters | 2 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102102: Green Hunter 3'6 | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102102: Green Hunter 3'6 | 2 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102302: High Performance Hunter | 1 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102302: High Performance Hunter | 2 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 6 | High Performance Hunter | |
102327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 1 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 2 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102403: Green/High Performnce Conformation Hunter | 1 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102403: Green/High Performnce Conformation Hunter | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102602: Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102602: Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | 2 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102627: Amateur Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 1 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102627: Amateur Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 2 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102637: Amateur Owner Hunter 3'3 36+ | 1 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102637: Amateur Owner Hunter 3'3 36+ | 2 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 1 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 2 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102717: Adult Amateur Hunter Over 35 | 1 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102717: Adult Amateur Hunter Over 35 | 2 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 6 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
102727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50 yrs & Older | 1 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50 yrs & Older | 2 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102752: Low Adult Amateur Hunter | 1 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102752: Low Adult Amateur Hunter | 2 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 6 | Low Adult Hunter | |
102762: Low Adult Amateur B Section Sat & Sunday | 1 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102762: Low Adult Amateur B Section Sat & Sunday | 2 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102802: Small Jr Hunter 15 & Under | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102802: Small Jr Hunter 15 & Under | 2 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 1 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 2 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 1 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 2 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | SVENKESEN ANONA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102842: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under | 1 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102842: Children's Hunter Horse 14 & Under | 2 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102852: Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 | 1 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102852: Children's Hunter Horse 15-17 | 2 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102862: Low Children's Hunter | 1 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102862: Low Children's Hunter | 2 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102882: Children's Pony Hunter | 1 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102882: Children's Pony Hunter | 2 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102902: Small Pony Hunter | 1 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102902: Small Pony Hunter | 2 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102917: Medium Pony Hunter | 1 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102917: Medium Pony Hunter | 2 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102932: Large Pony Hunter | 1 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102932: Large Pony Hunter | 2 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102947: Green Pony Hunter | 1 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102947: Green Pony Hunter | 2 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 1 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
102977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 2 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
102982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 1 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
102982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 2 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 498 | BILLY SKIPPER | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 647 | CANDY OF PICOBELLO Z | GRIFFIN AVERY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1219 | CLYDE VA | JACOBS MAGGIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1409 | DITARCA OH Z | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1440 | EXIT OF ICE Z | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 2048 | FACHODA DE HUS | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1735 | FAYURI AWR | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 2051 | FELICIE DE COQUERIE | PEREZ NUNEZ KARIME | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1408 | GEAVANTA-C | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 2059 | GREMLIN | PEREZ NUNEZ KARIME | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 2131 | LUKAKU VD BISSCHOP | RAY LEXI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1728 | MUNDILL DS | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 0 | 1995 | TARA M | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 1 | 872 | BOHEME DU MOULIN | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 2 | 1906 | GABBIE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 3 | 2495 | W. TONIX HERO | ANGUS JOHN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 4 | 2042 | CON CALMA | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 5 | 719 | ISABELLE | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 6 | 1836 | DYLANO VAN DE HEIDE Z | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 7 | 1907 | TAGE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 8 | 2035 | CHAGOLANDO PS | DENIS CHAMBON MAYA INES | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 9 | 2126 | HEINEKEN | PUGLIESE KATHERINE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 10 | 1996 | CALGARY 5 | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 11 | 2037 | POSTIN LS LA SILLA | DENIS CHAMBON MAYA INES | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1030: $7500 SJHF Junior/Amateur Jumper CLassic II 2.a | 12 | 2509 | FOU DE VOUS | ANGUS JOHN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 872 | BOHEME DU MOULIN | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 647 | CANDY OF PICOBELLO Z | GRIFFIN AVERY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1409 | DITARCA OH Z | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1836 | DYLANO VAN DE HEIDE Z | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2059 | GREMLIN | PEREZ NUNEZ KARIME | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1959 | IBERA V/D HAGENHORST | GARRETT STEPHANIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 719 | ISABELLE | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2131 | LUKAKU VD BISSCHOP | RAY LEXI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 2048 | FACHODA DE HUS | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1408 | GEAVANTA-C | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2042 | CON CALMA | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 498 | BILLY SKIPPER | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 1440 | EXIT OF ICE Z | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 2126 | HEINEKEN | PUGLIESE KATHERINE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1735 | FAYURI AWR | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1031: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 2051 | FELICIE DE COQUERIE | PEREZ NUNEZ KARIME | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
103112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 1 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
103112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 2 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 647 | CANDY OF PICOBELLO Z | GRIFFIN AVERY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1813 | DAZZLE WHITE | GEHRON MEG | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1906 | GABBIE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1708 | ICHELLO | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1728 | MUNDILL DS | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1907 | TAGE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 1 | 1440 | EXIT OF ICE Z | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 2 | 2495 | W. TONIX HERO | ANGUS JOHN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 3 | 1735 | FAYURI AWR | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 4 | 1995 | TARA M | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 5 | 498 | BILLY SKIPPER | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 6 | 1996 | CALGARY 5 | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 7 | 1219 | CLYDE VA | JACOBS MAGGIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1032: $1500 High Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 8 | 1836 | DYLANO VAN DE HEIDE Z | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 272 | AKSAI CHIN VDL | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2494 | AMSTRONG DE MOYON | MCKESSON RILEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1311 | BRASSANTE | ORTH ALLISON | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 922 | C2C CANDORRA R | CLOSE OLIVER | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1422 | CATO 90 | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1423 | CHE TIPA | ARONSON ELLIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1783 | CONSTAKKOΓÇÖS BOY | ORTH ALLISON | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1990 | DANAIDE D'ORS | SWANK ALLISON | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1813 | DAZZLE WHITE | GEHRON MEG | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1395 | DINKY TOY VD KRANENBURG | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1958 | ELERTINA | GARRETT STEPHANIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1034 | ENCANTA | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1441 | EXCELLENT | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1954 | FANATIC D'ALPHI | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2232 | FONTAINEBLEAU BS | SANTOS SCHNEIDER ATENA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1111 | GLOBAL JATIVIA | HAAS ELENA A. | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1959 | IBERA V/D HAGENHORST | GARRETT STEPHANIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 456 | ICARA Z | GOLDSTEIN LILLY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1540 | INGLETON QUASIMODO VAN HEIST | LABEAU KENNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2127 | ITINA | WINGATE ADDY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2159 | JELSTER VAN STAL ROMANO | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1407 | JOYRIDE VDM | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1185 | JUMPING JACK ZF | CLOSE OLIVER | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1434 | MANOU DE MUZE | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 578 | MONTENDRO 5 | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1478 | OQUIDO VAN HET EIKEHOF | FERDER LEXI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1991 | RALPH | SWANK ALLISON | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1988 | SPARKS 55 | HACKER CRISTIAN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2096 | VERTIGE DE VIGNEUL | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 114 | ZANDORA Z | CLIVIO CHARLOTTE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2179 | SPECIAL ENVOY | JACKIE STARY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1694 | DIAMARIA | THAMES GRACE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1736 | BILLY KIARA | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2031 | J-BOSTON S.E | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1447 | CHAPLIN W | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2125 | HIPICA | KENNEDY BROOKE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1396 | TIXIE DES HAYETTES | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 2231 | LITTLE LORD 112 | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1406 | MUSTIQUE VZ | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 9 | 1604 | SIG BEAUJOLAIS | MC CARTHY KEVIN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 10 | 1989 | COCAINE DE RIVERLAND | HACKER CRISTIAN | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 11 | 2061 | IRANTA | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1033: $7500 Medium Junior/Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 12 | 2073 | ORTEGA DI FER | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior and Amateur Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
103302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 1 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
103302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 2 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 272 | AKSAI CHIN VDL | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 922 | C2C CANDORRA R | CLOSE OLIVER | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1996 | CALGARY 5 | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 919 | CASSANOVA | HALLMAN SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1394 | CORNIDO | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1395 | DINKY TOY VD KRANENBURG | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1477 | EMERALD COVE | FERDER LEXI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1949 | GAESBEKERS GABBERTJE | GILBERT EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1111 | GLOBAL JATIVIA | HAAS ELENA A. | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 456 | ICARA Z | GOLDSTEIN LILLY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1708 | ICHELLO | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2031 | J-BOSTON S.E | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1407 | JOYRIDE VDM | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1185 | JUMPING JACK ZF | CLOSE OLIVER | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1434 | MANOU DE MUZE | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 578 | MONTENDRO 5 | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1478 | OQUIDO VAN HET EIKEHOF | FERDER LEXI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2011 | RONJA | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 921 | S & L BALISTO ZOETENDAELE Z | HALLMAN SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1995 | TARA M | SWEENEY CORINNE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 114 | ZANDORA Z | CLIVIO CHARLOTTE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1604 | SIG BEAUJOLAIS | MC CARTHY KEVIN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1406 | MUSTIQUE VZ | PRITZKER TEDDI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1906 | GABBIE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1694 | DIAMARIA | THAMES GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2125 | HIPICA | KENNEDY BROOKE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 2062 | IRON LADY VAN DE KRANENBURG | DEAN NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1907 | TAGE BH | GOCHMAN SOPHIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1034: $1000 Medium Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1396 | TIXIE DES HAYETTES | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1503 | CHICAGO | WARREN CASSIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1034 | ENCANTA | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1959 | IBERA V/D HAGENHORST | GARRETT STEPHANIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2127 | ITINA | WINGATE ADDY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2179 | SPECIAL ENVOY | JACKIE STARY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2096 | VERTIGE DE VIGNEUL | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 1 | 496 | ILON | VANDENBURG KATELYN | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 2 | 2494 | AMSTRONG DE MOYON | MCKESSON RILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 3 | 2159 | JELSTER VAN STAL ROMANO | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 4 | 1423 | CHE TIPA | ARONSON ELLIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 5 | 888 | ELITE SEMILLY | LANDSTROM TAYLOR | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 6 | 1422 | CATO 90 | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 7 | 1540 | INGLETON QUASIMODO VAN HEIST | LABEAU KENNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1035: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 8 | 1943 | INFURIA P&P | FRIGON MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2009 | ATTICUS DIAMANT | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 499 | BERLIN | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2016 | BULL RUN'S FIREFLY | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2082 | CALICIA LA SILLA Z | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2149 | CELEBRITY EXPERIENCE | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 967 | CELSY BISSCHOP Z | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1310 | CHABADA D┬┤YSIEUX Z | ORTH ALLISON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1503 | CHICAGO | WARREN CASSIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 486 | CONSISTENT | CASLINE DANIELA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 506 | DIANA DE GREE | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1445 | DIOR | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 888 | ELITE SEMILLY | LANDSTROM TAYLOR | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 501 | ELLIOT VAN'T HOOGHEMELRIJK | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1815 | I MOSE VLS | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2123 | I-MIRACLE | MORIN GABRIELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2150 | INDIA-S | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 487 | ISOTROPIC CILIUS R | CASLINE DANIELA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 488 | JACK THE RIPPER 111 | ZAPPONE ALINA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1967 | JUANITO VAN DE ZEILHOEK | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1437 | KENZO SL Z | FAMULAK HANNAH | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 489 | KING VAN HET KEIZERSHOF | ZAPPONE ALINA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2066 | LINUS | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2015 | LOCATO VAN HET KAPELHOF | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2017 | QUICKLY STATED | SICA ALEXANDRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2003 | REMMITS DELPHI | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2008 | SUPER TROOPER | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1065 | ULTIMATE TOUCH ML Z | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 2124 | UNIVERS D'OR | MORIN GABRIELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 0 | 1732 | UPSILOS VITA | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 1 | 311 | EZMERALDA EH Z | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 2 | 313 | GALETTA LAVSCA HJE | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 3 | 1944 | QUALITY IRIS | FRIGON MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 4 | 312 | BYZANCE MAIL | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 5 | 496 | ILON | VANDENBURG KATELYN | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 6 | 1608 | LUKE SKYWALKER 70 | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 7 | 2233 | LILLY PEZY | BONANNI ESTELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 8 | 1814 | STRANGER 30 | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 9 | 2138 | KWINTANO FORTUNA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 10 | 462 | DIAMANT BLUE RBF Z | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 11 | 1799 | WHISKEY BUSINESS | RAHAIM MAYA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1036: $5000 NAL Low Junior Jumper CLassic II 2.b | 12 | 2004 | FAIRYTALE 86 | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2009 | ATTICUS DIAMANT | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 499 | BERLIN | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2016 | BULL RUN'S FIREFLY | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 312 | BYZANCE MAIL | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2082 | CALICIA LA SILLA Z | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2149 | CELEBRITY EXPERIENCE | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 967 | CELSY BISSCHOP Z | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 486 | CONSISTENT | CASLINE DANIELA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1462 | CONTRA | SEGESMAN SOPHIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 462 | DIAMANT BLUE RBF Z | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1445 | DIOR | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 311 | EZMERALDA EH Z | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2004 | FAIRYTALE 86 | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 313 | GALETTA LAVSCA HJE | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1606 | I AM HDH | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2123 | I-MIRACLE | MORIN GABRIELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2150 | INDIA-S | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 718 | JAVAS KATIE | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1967 | JUANITO VAN DE ZEILHOEK | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1437 | KENZO SL Z | FAMULAK HANNAH | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 489 | KING VAN HET KEIZERSHOF | ZAPPONE ALINA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2138 | KWINTANO FORTUNA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2233 | LILLY PEZY | BONANNI ESTELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2066 | LINUS | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2015 | LOCATO VAN HET KAPELHOF | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2017 | QUICKLY STATED | SICA ALEXANDRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1605 | ROCKET J SQUIRREL | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1814 | STRANGER 30 | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2008 | SUPER TROOPER | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2124 | UNIVERS D'OR | MORIN GABRIELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1732 | UPSILOS VITA | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1196 | WILL | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1608 | LUKE SKYWALKER 70 | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1815 | I MOSE VLS | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1799 | WHISKEY BUSINESS | RAHAIM MAYA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1944 | QUALITY IRIS | FRIGON MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 506 | DIANA DE GREE | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1065 | ULTIMATE TOUCH ML Z | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 501 | ELLIOT VAN'T HOOGHEMELRIJK | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1037: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 2003 | REMMITS DELPHI | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2009 | ATTICUS DIAMANT | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2016 | BULL RUN'S FIREFLY | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2082 | CALICIA LA SILLA Z | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2149 | CELEBRITY EXPERIENCE | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2150 | INDIA-S | BACARDI LOLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 487 | ISOTROPIC CILIUS R | CASLINE DANIELA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 488 | JACK THE RIPPER 111 | ZAPPONE ALINA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 718 | JAVAS KATIE | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1437 | KENZO SL Z | FAMULAK HANNAH | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 489 | KING VAN HET KEIZERSHOF | ZAPPONE ALINA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2015 | LOCATO VAN HET KAPELHOF | SALLABERRY OLIVIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1605 | ROCKET J SQUIRREL | FISHER SOPHIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2008 | SUPER TROOPER | KAHN ISABELLA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1732 | UPSILOS VITA | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1196 | WILL | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2205 | ZOHRA M Z | OLSEN CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 1 | 506 | DIANA DE GREE | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 2 | 1967 | JUANITO VAN DE ZEILHOEK | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 3 | 2003 | REMMITS DELPHI | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 4 | 462 | DIAMANT BLUE RBF Z | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 5 | 311 | EZMERALDA EH Z | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 6 | 501 | ELLIOT VAN'T HOOGHEMELRIJK | RAIDY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 7 | 2017 | QUICKLY STATED | SICA ALEXANDRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1038: $1000 Low Junior Jumper II 2.1 | 8 | 1799 | WHISKEY BUSINESS | RAHAIM MAYA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1883 | ACHTUNG BABY | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1154 | ANIS DE LA PIECE | MICHAELS LAUREN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2122 | CALCI GAMBA | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1075 | CARINO DU HERRIN | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 197 | CORELLO | PETERS DUNCAN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 121 | DISNEY PARK | LIUZZO SABRINA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1797 | FERRARI Z | ELIGULASHVILI ANNA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1682 | FLOSSY BOY | HARRIGAN KATHLEEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 111 | NEYRA DORIS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 856 | IGOR VAN DE GRAUWE BERG | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1332 | IMBERTO | LIPPMAN ISA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1358 | INARA S Z | MARSHALL KATHRYN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1188 | INSURANCE IL LES HAUTS | REISKIN OLIVIA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1798 | MANIFEST | ELIGULASHVILI NATALIE | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1314 | MR. PLEASURE VHL | SNOW ALEXANDRA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1371 | PRESENCE VAN DE BARTHOEVE | EICHLER EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1867 | VERSAILLES | COLE REYNOLDS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2120 | VIVADO PS | COVER TRACEY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 2013 | BINJA | AITKEN EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 1074 | GERMETA W | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 1352 | ENZO H | THOMPSON EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 455 | ARTICO 2 | DEVENING LORETTA-JEAN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 1955 | ROCK & ROLL DΓÇÖERES Z | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 1192 | INVICTUS | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 2121 | FORTI BLEU | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1040: $2500 NAL/WIHS Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 544 | BLUE BELLA | COX DOROTHY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
104022: Pony Equitation | 1 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
104022: Pony Equitation | 2 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
104032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 1 | 2145 | PIKACHU | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
104032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 2 | 875 | LAMBADA | YOUNG MACYKATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
104042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 1 | 2228 | DUNDEE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
104042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 2 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
104052: Adult Equitation 3' | 1 | 1041 | CLINTIRO | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
104052: Adult Equitation 3' | 2 | 1685 | MTM BRANDO | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1154 | ANIS DE LA PIECE | MICHAELS LAUREN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 544 | BLUE BELLA | COX DOROTHY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1075 | CARINO DU HERRIN | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 197 | CORELLO | PETERS DUNCAN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1352 | ENZO H | THOMPSON EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2119 | FIRST CLASS T | COVER TRACEY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1682 | FLOSSY BOY | HARRIGAN KATHLEEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2121 | FORTI BLEU | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 856 | IGOR VAN DE GRAUWE BERG | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1188 | INSURANCE IL LES HAUTS | REISKIN OLIVIA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1798 | MANIFEST | ELIGULASHVILI NATALIE | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1371 | PRESENCE VAN DE BARTHOEVE | EICHLER EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1955 | ROCK & ROLL DΓÇÖERES Z | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1073 | VENDOME PALORDET | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1867 | VERSAILLES | COLE REYNOLDS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2120 | VIVADO PS | COVER TRACEY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 2122 | CALCI GAMBA | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1314 | MR. PLEASURE VHL | SNOW ALEXANDRA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 111 | NEYRA DORIS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1797 | FERRARI Z | ELIGULASHVILI ANNA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2013 | BINJA | AITKEN EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1074 | GERMETA W | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1332 | IMBERTO | LIPPMAN ISA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1041: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 121 | DISNEY PARK | LIUZZO SABRINA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1883 | ACHTUNG BABY | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1154 | ANIS DE LA PIECE | MICHAELS LAUREN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 197 | CORELLO | PETERS DUNCAN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1797 | FERRARI Z | ELIGULASHVILI ANNA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2121 | FORTI BLEU | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 111 | NEYRA DORIS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 549 | IT TAKES TWO | THOMPSON EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1798 | MANIFEST | ELIGULASHVILI NATALIE | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1955 | ROCK & ROLL DΓÇÖERES Z | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1867 | VERSAILLES | COLE REYNOLDS | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2120 | VIVADO PS | COVER TRACEY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 544 | BLUE BELLA | COX DOROTHY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1332 | IMBERTO | LIPPMAN ISA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1358 | INARA S Z | MARSHALL KATHRYN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 2122 | CALCI GAMBA | POLLIN KIRSTEN | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2013 | BINJA | AITKEN EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1352 | ENZO H | THOMPSON EMILY | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 121 | DISNEY PARK | LIUZZO SABRINA | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1042: $500 Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1073 | VENDOME PALORDET | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Adult Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1981 | 24 KARAT | HIGGINS ERIN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1953 | CAPTAIN MORGAN | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1468 | KAN FLY 2 | TOMSIC REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1624 | OSBOURNE | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 282 | ROMANCERO L.S. | IAFRATE ELISE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2480 | ULTIMATE | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 2139 | END GAME | REYNOLDS SMITH | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 549 | IT TAKES TWO | THOMPSON EMILY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1680 | ERANTA | DUGAN MARY-MARTHA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 2224 | GRATINO 4 | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | CAMPBELL RACHEL | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 113 | DAME | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 2163 | FELIX BC | IMURA WHITNEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1045: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1963 | ORIGI | BEYRER ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | CAMPBELL RACHEL | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 113 | DAME | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2139 | END GAME | REYNOLDS SMITH | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2224 | GRATINO 4 | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1624 | OSBOURNE | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1072 | QUE CASCO | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 282 | ROMANCERO L.S. | IAFRATE ELISE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 2480 | ULTIMATE | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1963 | ORIGI | BEYRER ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2244 | CHABLIS | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1981 | 24 KARAT | HIGGINS ERIN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 1680 | ERANTA | DUGAN MARY-MARTHA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1948 | CATCH ME | LOVE NICOLE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 2163 | FELIX BC | IMURA WHITNEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1046: Low Adult Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1953 | CAPTAIN MORGAN | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1953 | CAPTAIN MORGAN | KRISHNA SIA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1948 | CATCH ME | LOVE NICOLE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | CAMPBELL RACHEL | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1468 | KAN FLY 2 | TOMSIC REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1624 | OSBOURNE | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 282 | ROMANCERO L.S. | IAFRATE ELISE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1073 | VENDOME PALORDET | MCKEE RUTH | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 2244 | CHABLIS | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 1680 | ERANTA | DUGAN MARY-MARTHA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 2163 | FELIX BC | IMURA WHITNEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 2480 | ULTIMATE | ANDERSEN CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 1072 | QUE CASCO | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 1981 | 24 KARAT | HIGGINS ERIN | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 113 | DAME | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1047: $500 Low Adult Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 2224 | GRATINO 4 | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Adult Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 522 | BAILA DU LOUP | SANDERS AUGUST | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 518 | CAPETOWN PRINCESS | DORSHEIMER MEIGS | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2085 | CARICE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1232 | CCSTUDΓÇÖS KAYEN | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2137 | CONTACT | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2029 | CONTARA 15 | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2088 | ELSELINA | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2216 | FERNHILL SINGAPORE | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1066 | G.P.S. BRILLIANT DISGUISE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2014 | IONNE-S | LOVE OLIVIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 718 | JAVAS KATIE | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1308 | KING CASANOVA | HALAMA SIENNA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 148 | KYLO REN | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2032 | LOU LOU VLS | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1619 | MR MILLER | BRISKEY GRACE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1742 | N-AMBASSADOR | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2101 | PERFORMANCE EP | KASSEL SOPHIE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1151 | RUE LACOUR | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2030 | STAN | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1131 | SUNTENDRA SN | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2019 | ZOE Z | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 307 | COLINA SN | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 1741 | TOY SOLDIER | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 1230 | GIO W-Z | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 2162 | C WELLIE | BURNS SLOANE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 519 | FURBO ARKANSAS | DORSHEIMER MEIGS | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 1956 | DIABLOTIN COPINE G | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 2033 | CLH DYNAMIC | POWELL VIVIAN | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1050: $2500 NAL/WIHS Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 1020 | ITALIA | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 522 | BAILA DU LOUP | SANDERS AUGUST | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 504 | BURNER 3 | MORTON ANN MILLER | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 518 | CAPETOWN PRINCESS | DORSHEIMER MEIGS | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2085 | CARICE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 193 | CASARIO DE SOIE Z | TOBIN OLIVIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1232 | CCSTUDΓÇÖS KAYEN | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2137 | CONTACT | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2029 | CONTARA 15 | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1956 | DIABLOTIN COPINE G | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2088 | ELSELINA | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2216 | FERNHILL SINGAPORE | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1020 | ITALIA | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 148 | KYLO REN | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2032 | LOU LOU VLS | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2100 | RINCOOLA SPICE | KASSEL SOPHIE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1151 | RUE LACOUR | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2030 | STAN | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1131 | SUNTENDRA SN | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1741 | TOY SOLDIER | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2019 | ZOE Z | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 307 | COLINA SN | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1742 | N-AMBASSADOR | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2101 | PERFORMANCE EP | KASSEL SOPHIE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 2162 | C WELLIE | BURNS SLOANE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2033 | CLH DYNAMIC | POWELL VIVIAN | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 519 | FURBO ARKANSAS | DORSHEIMER MEIGS | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 2014 | IONNE-S | LOVE OLIVIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1051: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1230 | GIO W-Z | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 522 | BAILA DU LOUP | SANDERS AUGUST | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2085 | CARICE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 193 | CASARIO DE SOIE Z | TOBIN OLIVIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1232 | CCSTUDΓÇÖS KAYEN | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2033 | CLH DYNAMIC | POWELL VIVIAN | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2088 | ELSELINA | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2216 | FERNHILL SINGAPORE | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2014 | IONNE-S | LOVE OLIVIA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1020 | ITALIA | BROOKS MADELINE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1308 | KING CASANOVA | HALAMA SIENNA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 148 | KYLO REN | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1619 | MR MILLER | BRISKEY GRACE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1742 | N-AMBASSADOR | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1151 | RUE LACOUR | HAYES ALLIE RAE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2030 | STAN | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2019 | ZOE Z | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1741 | TOY SOLDIER | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1230 | GIO W-Z | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 2162 | C WELLIE | BURNS SLOANE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1131 | SUNTENDRA SN | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2101 | PERFORMANCE EP | KASSEL SOPHIE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 2029 | CONTARA 15 | EISNER ELOISE | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 504 | BURNER 3 | MORTON ANN MILLER | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1052: $500 Children's Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1956 | DIABLOTIN COPINE G | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Children's Jumper 1.15m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1259 | DANA DE ECLIPSE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 527 | FONTANEL VAN T&L | GRUNEICH JACOB | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1864 | HJ BERNIE MAC | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1713 | JERSEY VD HUNTERS | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1863 | LADY EVITA Z | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 2135 | GIRL OF WILDWOOD | HILFERS CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 2147 | QUANTIMERA | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 470 | WASHINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1980 | EB CORSEGA Z | ZECK GRACE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2099 | POLLY POCKET | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 475 | CAPITANO | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1853 | GLORY CATE | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1055: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 610 | LIBERATO SK | LIEN-GONZALEZ MARLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1980 | EB CORSEGA Z | ZECK GRACE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 527 | FONTANEL VAN T&L | GRUNEICH JACOB | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1853 | GLORY CATE | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 610 | LIBERATO SK | LIEN-GONZALEZ MARLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 521 | ROSCOE | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1350 | SHENANIGANS | ACKER MELISSA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2246 | VERY SPECIAL | HILFERS CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1863 | LADY EVITA Z | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 2099 | POLLY POCKET | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1962 | LUTZ | ZEGARAC- POLLOCK TEA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 1864 | HJ BERNIE MAC | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1713 | JERSEY VD HUNTERS | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1361 | JACKPOT | MOORE MEGHAN | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1056: Low Children's Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 1259 | DANA DE ECLIPSE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 193 | CASARIO DE SOIE Z | TOBIN OLIVIA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1864 | HJ BERNIE MAC | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1863 | LADY EVITA Z | KROPHOLLER KINSLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2099 | POLLY POCKET | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 521 | ROSCOE | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 470 | WASHINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 2135 | GIRL OF WILDWOOD | HILFERS CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 2147 | QUANTIMERA | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 475 | CAPITANO | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 1713 | JERSEY VD HUNTERS | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 1980 | EB CORSEGA Z | ZECK GRACE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 610 | LIBERATO SK | LIEN-GONZALEZ MARLEY | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 1259 | DANA DE ECLIPSE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1057: $500 Low Children's Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 1853 | GLORY CATE | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Low Children's Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 0 | 1824 | BULL RUN'S TESTIFY | DORAN BENNETT | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 0 | 1889 | DALI T | EWANOUSKI CHRIS M | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 0 | 118 | UN SOIR DE SION | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 1 | 1471 | ADIOS | TOMSIC MALENA | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 1 | 1886 | CONNERY SN | GRIFFITHS KIMBERLY | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1083: .75m Jumper tableII | 1 | 1470 | CROS B | TOMSIC INDIANA | 0 | Puddle Jumper .75-.80m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 890 | ASARO | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1862 | BARTHOLOMEW | STRINE OLIVIA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 899 | CALICO ROCK | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1953 | CAPTAIN MORGAN | O'BRIEN DAVID | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1866 | CASALLIETTA PS | NORRELL AUDREY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1884 | CONTHARIKA | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1877 | DIARIBOE DE BIJOUX STW Z | SZTYRLE FEDERICO | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1875 | KARAMIA | SZTYRLE FEDERICO | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1370 | LITTLE BIG WON | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 889 | RUSH HOUR | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1971 | SAUL GOOD | HICKS KENDALL | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2148 | TRIBECA | MAIRANO HAYLEY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2221 | VACATION | BILLINGTON JAMES | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1980 | EB CORSEGA Z | ZECK GRACE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2146 | HOTSHOT | MAIRANO HAYLEY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 874 | I'M SPECIALIZED Z | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1713 | JERSEY VD HUNTERS | MITCHELL KIANA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1972 | KINETIC | JACOBS BRIANNA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1090: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | SCHENK CHRISTOPHER | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1559 | DON CORLEONE | ALSTON ALEXANDER | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1972 | KINETIC | JACOBS BRIANNA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1801 | LADY ANTEBELLUM | RAHAIM MAYA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1104 | LL COOL J | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1444 | MIRAFLORES | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1072 | QUE CASCO | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 115 | QUIWI | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 521 | ROSCOE | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 903 | SANTA ROSA XAKIN | HOLSTEAD MIA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 1971 | SAUL GOOD | HICKS KENDALL | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 2221 | VACATION | BILLINGTON JAMES | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 0 | 882 | ZENA | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1981 | 24 KARAT | HIGGINS ERIN | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 890 | ASARO | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 475 | CAPITANO | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1424 | CARONO Z | SMITH SANDY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1632 | CECILIA | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1884 | CONTHARIKA | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | CAMPBELL RACHEL | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 306 | CORNETΓÇÖS SUNSHINE | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2238 | DELILAH DU BOIS BISSCHOP | SNOOK MELISSA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1853 | GLORY CATE | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 309 | HAPPY HOUR | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2146 | HOTSHOT | RACANELLI CAROLINE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1815 | I MOSE VLS | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2158 | INTUITIVE | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1738 | LAGERFELD | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1420 | LUMINEER | LABEAU KENNA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1442 | MERCURY 9546 | FAMULAK HANNAH | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1637 | MISTER BROWN | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1742 | N-AMBASSADOR | LIGNELLI AGATHA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 172 | PARKWAY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 860 | PROMISE VAN DE WATERING | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 494 | THEODORE FLASH | VANDENBURG KATELYN | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2148 | TRIBECA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 2246 | VERY SPECIAL | HILFERS CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1091: .95M Jumper table II | 1 | 1416 | WALDO | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Low Training Jumper .9m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 861 | CALAVINO | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1424 | CARONO Z | SMITH SANDY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1948 | CATCH ME | HARDY CORY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1671 | CENTENARIO | GRANATO ALEX | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2044 | CLINTA 8 | FISHERMAN EVA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1819 | CONSIERGE | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1430 | CONTHACCO | ARONSON ELLIE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1309 | DALTON | CERRA THOMAS | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1259 | DANA DE ECLIPSE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 405 | DAYTONA SEMILLY | BRAWLEY BOB | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2139 | END GAME | MAIRANO HAYLEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 527 | FONTANEL VAN T&L | GRUNEICH JACOB | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2236 | GOOD CALL | BALDWIN BRYAN | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2175 | IGOR B | CERRA THOMAS | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 886 | INFERNO | LANDSTROM TAYLOR | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1435 | IRONMAN | REGO CODY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1465 | JACKEROO DTS Z | MURRAY KENDA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1468 | KAN FLY 2 | HART ALIVIA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1438 | KAVALLI DI MAGICO | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1437 | KENZO SL Z | FAMULAK HANNAH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1739 | LONDON BLUE | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1434 | MANOU DE MUZE | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1444 | MIRAFLORES | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1637 | MISTER BROWN | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2156 | OO SEVEN DE LΓÇÖEQUIPE | MENDOZA JESSICA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1624 | OSBOURNE | WILLE DANA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2147 | QUANTIMERA | MOYHER REBECCA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1629 | QUINTEN VAN DULF | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2007 | UTRILLO DU SOLEIL | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1095: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2246 | VERY SPECIAL | MAIRANO HAYLEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1866 | CASALLIETTA PS | NORRELL AUDREY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1630 | CONIFER | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2212 | CORDENTO RM | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1259 | DANA DE ECLIPSE | HALLINAN VIVA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1877 | DIARIBOE DE BIJOUX STW Z | SZTYRLE FEDERICO | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1875 | KARAMIA | SZTYRLE FEDERICO | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2144 | KONSTANTIN | MOYHER REBECCA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2226 | OPPENHEIMER | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1624 | OSBOURNE | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2145 | PIKACHU | MAIRANO HAYLEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 1970 | TARENTELLE DE BRENNE | MILLER MADELEINE | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 0 | 2221 | VACATION | BILLINGTON JAMES | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 1 | 2236 | GOOD CALL | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 1 | 2224 | GRATINO 4 | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 1 | 1468 | KAN FLY 2 | TOMSIC REBECCA | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 1 | 1924 | PACIFIC BLUE | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1096: 1.00M Jumper table II | 1 | 1629 | QUINTEN VAN DULF | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | High Training Jumper 1.0m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1471 | ADIOS | TOMSIC MALENA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 614 | AFFIER | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 899 | CALICO ROCK | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1921 | CMF FLAG OF KINGS | ELLIOTT JANN R | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 613 | CORNETTO | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 2238 | DELILAH DU BOIS BISSCHOP | SNOOK MELISSA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 874 | I'M SPECIALIZED Z | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 2158 | INTUITIVE | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1801 | LADY ANTEBELLUM | RAHAIM ALINE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1637 | MISTER BROWN | TOOMEY MONICA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1072 | QUE CASCO | PATER ASHLEY | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1971 | SAUL GOOD | HICKS KENDALL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 118 | UN SOIR DE SION | ESCOBEDO PAVLINA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 1 | 1343 | CHINE VAN'T SCHANSHOF Z | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 2 | 1027 | TIPPERARY HILL | VARCHETTI JULIA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 3 | 1347 | SWS CHARLESTON | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 4 | 1853 | GLORY CATE | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 5 | 408 | RUSTICUS | THIMOT CAROL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 6 | 1470 | CROS B | TOMSIC INDIANA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 7 | 1972 | KINETIC | JACOBS BRIANNA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1104: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 8 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 899 | CALICO ROCK | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1886 | CONNERY SN | GRIFFITHS KIMBERLY | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 405 | DAYTONA SEMILLY | LALLY CHARLI | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 2158 | INTUITIVE | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1972 | KINETIC | JACOBS BRIANNA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1637 | MISTER BROWN | TOOMEY MONICA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1971 | SAUL GOOD | HICKS KENDALL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 0 | 1347 | SWS CHARLESTON | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 1 | 1801 | LADY ANTEBELLUM | RAHAIM ALINE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 2 | 1921 | CMF FLAG OF KINGS | ELLIOTT JANN R | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 3 | 2238 | DELILAH DU BOIS BISSCHOP | SNOOK MELISSA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 4 | 613 | CORNETTO | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 5 | 408 | RUSTICUS | THIMOT CAROL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 6 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 7 | 874 | I'M SPECIALIZED Z | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1105: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Ii 2.b | 8 | 1343 | CHINE VAN'T SCHANSHOF Z | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 614 | AFFIER | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1972 | KINETIC | JACOBS BRIANNA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1637 | MISTER BROWN | TOOMEY MONICA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 408 | RUSTICUS | THIMOT CAROL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1347 | SWS CHARLESTON | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 1801 | LADY ANTEBELLUM | RAHAIM ALINE | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 613 | CORNETTO | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 1343 | CHINE VAN'T SCHANSHOF Z | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 1921 | CMF FLAG OF KINGS | ELLIOTT JANN R | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 405 | DAYTONA SEMILLY | LALLY CHARLI | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 874 | I'M SPECIALIZED Z | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1106: .85 PreChild/Adult Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 1971 | SAUL GOOD | HICKS KENDALL | 0 | Modified Child and Adult Jumper Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1033 | ASTON DES ETISSES | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1422 | CATO 90 | DEFOE GRACE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1772 | CHACCOFINA | GREEN MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1423 | CHE TIPA | ARONSON ELLIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 844 | CHEETAH ASK Z | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1503 | CHICAGO | WARREN CASSIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1989 | COCAINE DE RIVERLAND | HACKER CRISTIAN | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1783 | CONSTAKKOΓÇÖS BOY | ORTH ALLISON | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2217 | DAVINCHI | HACKER CRISTIAN | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 888 | ELITE SEMILLY | LANDSTROM TAYLOR | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1034 | ENCANTA | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1954 | FANATIC D'ALPHI | KRISHNA MYRA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2232 | FONTAINEBLEAU BS | SANTOS SCHNEIDER ATENA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 843 | ICI | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2061 | IRANTA | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2127 | ITINA | WINGATE ADDY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2159 | JELSTER VAN STAL ROMANO | CASPER MCKENZIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1710 | MI AMOR VAN'T EIGENLO | AMMANN PHILIPPA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2073 | ORTEGA DI FER | LEVY SYDNEY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2179 | SPECIAL ENVOY | JACKIE STARY | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 1441 | EXCELLENT | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1958 | ELERTINA | GARRETT STEPHANIE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 1540 | INGLETON QUASIMODO VAN HEIST | LABEAU KENNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1890 | SONIC BOOM | GREEN MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 1736 | BILLY KIARA | LIGNELLI ALEXA ELLE | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1447 | CHAPLIN W | RIZVI ZAYNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 1943 | INFURIA P&P | FRIGON MIA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1134: $1000 Medium Junior Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 2096 | VERTIGE DE VIGNEUL | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 272 | AKSAI CHIN VDL | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 919 | CASSANOVA | HALLMAN SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 1109 | CE CE SENIOR | WILLIAMS OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 1394 | CORNIDO | KASOWITZ SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 2243 | ESPRI O | BERING GRETCHEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 1949 | GAESBEKERS GABBERTJE | GILBERT EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 0 | 456 | ICARA Z | GOLDSTEIN LILLY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 1 | 114 | ZANDORA Z | CLIVIO CHARLOTTE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 2 | 2011 | RONJA | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 3 | 2125 | HIPICA | KENNEDY BROOKE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 4 | 2509 | FOU DE VOUS | ANGUS JOHN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 5 | 921 | S & L BALISTO ZOETENDAELE Z | HALLMAN SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 6 | 1113 | OGUE BT SPECIAL | HAAS ELENA A. | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 7 | 1990 | DANAIDE D'ORS | SWANK ALLISON | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1135: $1000 Medium Amateurs II 2.1 | 8 | 1991 | RALPH | SWANK ALLISON | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 548 | BLUE DIAMANT | RICE MARISSA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 271 | BOB | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1644 | CAJA | MEYER KELSEY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1612 | CASEY | MC CARTHY KEVIN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | KOWIT EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 511 | CHEVAL CHIRAC BS | REISKIN OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1999 | DELTA LADY Z | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1207 | GINI Z | PARR LILLIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1885 | HETERINA | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 577 | KATMANDU L | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1438 | KAVALLI DI MAGICO | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 446 | LA BONNE VIE | MCREYNOLDS GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1692 | LION KING VAN'T EIGENLO | ANTICO SOFIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1695 | LOGIIC-TFG | THAMES GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 2001 | LUCKY STAR VAN 'T EIGENLO | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 1677 | MAJA | WEBSTER KEYEA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 199 | NIM | BIDWELL LORI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 547 | NOVASTAR AP | RICE MARISSA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 264 | RED CARPET | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 308 | S & L NEW DIAMOND | MACALLISTER-CALADO LAUREL | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 0 | 897 | THE TEA | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 1 | 1315 | PEARL OF GREY VHL | MCLAREN JEAN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 2 | 2011 | RONJA | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 3 | 2044 | CLINTA 8 | FISHERMAN EVA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 4 | 1102 | QUALITY Z | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 5 | 2118 | VARGAS ROUGE | KENNEDY BROOKE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 6 | 1683 | KATHMANDU WV | LINDNER MIKAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 7 | 445 | COLADA | MCREYNOLDS GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 8 | 1723 | IVYSINAA | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 9 | 2243 | ESPRI O | BERING GRETCHEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 10 | 406 | MTM FUJI | DOWNING JAELYNN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 11 | 1640 | FARMERS PROUD HS | WILKS RACHEL | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1136: $5000 NAL Low Amateur Jumper Classic II 2.b | 12 | 2000 | MR CASH | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1644 | CAJA | MEYER KELSEY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1612 | CASEY | MC CARTHY KEVIN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | KOWIT EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1203 | CHARLIZE | PARR LILLIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 511 | CHEVAL CHIRAC BS | REISKIN OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1923 | CITA Z | ZIFFER JULIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1999 | DELTA LADY Z | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1640 | FARMERS PROUD HS | WILKS RACHEL | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1431 | G CT SUPER SONIC | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1207 | GINI Z | PARR LILLIE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1192 | INVICTUS | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1683 | KATHMANDU WV | LINDNER MIKAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1438 | KAVALLI DI MAGICO | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 446 | LA BONNE VIE | MCREYNOLDS GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1692 | LION KING VAN'T EIGENLO | ANTICO SOFIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1695 | LOGIIC-TFG | THAMES GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2001 | LUCKY STAR VAN 'T EIGENLO | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1677 | MAJA | WEBSTER KEYEA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 2000 | MR CASH | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 406 | MTM FUJI | DOWNING JAELYNN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 407 | MTM SNAPPLE | DOWNING JAELYNN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 547 | NOVASTAR AP | RICE MARISSA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 264 | RED CARPET | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 308 | S & L NEW DIAMOND | MACALLISTER-CALADO LAUREL | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1642 | SNOOPTASTIC | SCHMITT HOLLY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 1876 | THE BLACK FLYER | STRAFUSS LINDSAY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 0 | 897 | THE TEA | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 1 | 548 | BLUE DIAMANT | RICE MARISSA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 2 | 1315 | PEARL OF GREY VHL | MCLAREN JEAN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 3 | 445 | COLADA | MCREYNOLDS GRACE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 4 | 1102 | QUALITY Z | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 5 | 2118 | VARGAS ROUGE | KENNEDY BROOKE | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 6 | 1100 | CZECHMATE | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 7 | 271 | BOB | JENSEN JAMI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1137: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.b | 8 | 577 | KATMANDU L | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 455 | ARTICO 2 | DEVENING LORETTA-JEAN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2050 | FEELING DE PLEVILLE | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 2248 | GIO | LEE TESS | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1885 | HETERINA | BRODER AMBER | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1192 | INVICTUS | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1438 | KAVALLI DI MAGICO | DEHOFF EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1677 | MAJA | WEBSTER KEYEA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 407 | MTM SNAPPLE | DOWNING JAELYNN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1642 | SNOOPTASTIC | SCHMITT HOLLY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 0 | 1876 | THE BLACK FLYER | STRAFUSS LINDSAY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 1 | 1999 | DELTA LADY Z | MOLLERUS ELLEN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 2 | 1709 | CARISMA II | ROYCE HAILEY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 3 | 1723 | IVYSINAA | WIGHT SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 4 | 1683 | KATHMANDU WV | LINDNER MIKAYLA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 5 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | KOWIT EMILY | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 6 | 199 | NIM | BIDWELL LORI | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 7 | 406 | MTM FUJI | DOWNING JAELYNN | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1138: $1000 Low Amateur Jumper II 2.1 | 8 | 1923 | CITA Z | ZIFFER JULIA | 0 | Amateur Jumper 1.2-1.4m | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 0 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 1 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 2 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 3 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 4 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1503: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic | 5 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1040 | COLTRANE | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 1 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 2 | 2012 | CALBERON B | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 3 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 4 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 5 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 6 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 7 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 8 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 9 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1504: Amateur-Owner Hunter Classic 3'3 | 10 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 837 | CORDUROY | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1947 | HUDSON VDM | CHASE MARY | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 1 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 2 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 3 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 4 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 5 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 6 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 7 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1505: Adult Amateur Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 8 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Adult Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 916 | TW MCCORMICK | MOHRHARDT KRISTY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 0 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 1 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 2 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 3 | 1201 | LET IT BE | BREWER JILL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 4 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 5 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 6 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 7 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1506: Low Adult Amateur Hunter Classic | 8 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 0 | 2002 | HOLLYWOOD | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 0 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 0 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 2 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 3 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 4 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 5 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 6 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 7 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 8 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 9 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1507: Junior Hunter Classic | 10 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 0 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 1 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 2 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 3 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 4 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 5 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 6 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 7 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 8 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 9 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1508: Junior Hunter Classic 3'3 | 10 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 454 | FERNANDO HS | MANSON ADLER ADDIE" | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 0 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 1 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 2 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 3 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 4 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 5 | 1698 | CRIMSON TIDE | ANSOLABEHERE ELLA | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 6 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 0.5 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 7 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1509: Children's Hunter Classic NAL/WIHS | 8 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Child Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 0 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 0 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 0 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 0 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 1 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 2 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 3 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 4 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 5 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 6 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 7 | 1805 | BENEDICTION | MULRENIN VELLA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1510: Low Children's Hunter Classic | 8 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1511: Children's Hunter Pony Classic | 1 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1511: Children's Hunter Pony Classic | 2 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1511: Children's Hunter Pony Classic | 3 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1511: Children's Hunter Pony Classic | 4 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1511: Children's Hunter Pony Classic | 5 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 0 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 1 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 2 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 3 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 4 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 5 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 6 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 7 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1513: Small Pony Hunter Classic | 8 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 0 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 0 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 1 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 2 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 3 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 4 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 5 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 6 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 7 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1514: Medium/Large Pony Hunter Classic | 8 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
1515: Large Pony Hunter Classic | 0 | 0 | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 1 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 2 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 3 | 2213 | PRINCE K | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 4 | 2235 | NICHOLAS THE THIRD | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 5 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 6 | 1095 | RETORICO | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2001: Green Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 7 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 1 | 1095 | RETORICO | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 2 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 3 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 4 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 5 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 6 | 2213 | PRINCE K | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2002: Green Hunter 3' | 7 | 2235 | NICHOLAS THE THIRD | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 1 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 2 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 3 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 4 | 2235 | NICHOLAS THE THIRD | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 5 | 2213 | PRINCE K | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 6 | 1095 | RETORICO | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2003: Green Hunter 3' | 7 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 1 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 2 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 3 | 2235 | NICHOLAS THE THIRD | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 4 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 5 | 1095 | RETORICO | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 6 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 7 | 2213 | PRINCE K | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2004: Green Hunter 3' | 8 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 1 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 2 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 3 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 4 | 1095 | RETORICO | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 5 | 2235 | NICHOLAS THE THIRD | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 6 | 2213 | PRINCE K | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 7 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2005: Green Hunter 3' | 8 | 1367 | REMARK RW | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2006: USHJA Green Incentive Stake 3'-3'3 | 1 | 1854 | SUPERNATURAL | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2006: USHJA Green Incentive Stake 3'-3'3 | 2 | 1676 | ANTEROS | RITTMUELLER EHRIN | 0 | Green Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2016: Green Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 1 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2016: Green Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 2 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2016: Green Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 3 | 458 | CHICOLETTO | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2016: Green Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 4 | 281 | MTM SILVER SLIPPERS | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 458 | CHICOLETTO | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2017: Green Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 281 | MTM SILVER SLIPPERS | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2018: Green Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2018: Green Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2018: Green Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 458 | CHICOLETTO | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2018: Green Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 281 | MTM SILVER SLIPPERS | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2019: Green Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2019: Green Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2019: Green Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 281 | MTM SILVER SLIPPERS | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2020: Green Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2020: Green Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 195 | DIARO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2020: Green Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 281 | MTM SILVER SLIPPERS | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 1 | 866 | CEYLON | PLETCHER PETER | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 2 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 3 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 4 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 4 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 5 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 6 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 7 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2101: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Under Saddle | 8 | 851 | WALLAND | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 0 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 1 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 2 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 3 | 866 | CEYLON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 4 | 461 | CASALLINI | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 5 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 6 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 7 | 851 | WALLAND | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2102: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 8 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 0 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 1 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 2 | 866 | CEYLON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 3 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 4 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 5 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 6 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0.5 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 7 | 851 | WALLAND | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2103: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 Handy | 8 | 461 | CASALLINI | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 2 | 461 | CASALLINI | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 3 | 851 | WALLAND | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 4 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 5 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 6 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0.5 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2104: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 7 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 1 | 461 | CASALLINI | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 2 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 3 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 4 | 196 | HARMONY | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 5 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 1 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 6 | 851 | WALLAND | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2105: Green Hunter 3'6 /3'9 | 7 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2201: Green Hunter 3'9 Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft9 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2202: Green Hunter 3'9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft9 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2203: Green Hunter 3'9 Handy | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft9 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2204: Green Hunter 3'9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft9 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2205: Green Hunter 3'9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft9 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2206: USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Stake 3'6 -3'9 | 1 | 461 | CASALLINI | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2206: USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Stake 3'6 -3'9 | 2 | 2242 | BILLY BALOU | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2206: USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Stake 3'6 -3'9 | 3 | 262 | SMALL STORY | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2206: USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Stake 3'6 -3'9 | 4 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 2 | Green Hunter 3ft6 | |
2301: High Performance Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2301: High Performance Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 6 | High Performance Hunter | |
2301: High Performance Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | FROEHLICH CORTELL HEATHER | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2302: High Performance Hunter | 1 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2302: High Performance Hunter | 2 | 580 | VIETTI | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2302: High Performance Hunter | 3 | 1746 | SMALL KINGDOM | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2302: High Performance Hunter | 4 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | FROEHLICH CORTELL HEATHER | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2302: High Performance Hunter | 5 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 1 | High Performance Hunter | |
2303: High Performance Hunter Handy | 1 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2303: High Performance Hunter Handy | 2 | 580 | VIETTI | GAJOCH OWEN | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2303: High Performance Hunter Handy | 3 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | FROEHLICH CORTELL HEATHER | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2303: High Performance Hunter Handy | 4 | 1746 | SMALL KINGDOM | IWASAKI AUGUSTA | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2303: High Performance Hunter Handy | 5 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 1 | High Performance Hunter | |
2304: High Performance Hunter | 1 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 10 | High Performance Hunter | |
2304: High Performance Hunter | 2 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | FROEHLICH CORTELL HEATHER | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2304: High Performance Hunter | 3 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2304: High Performance Hunter | 4 | 1457 | TESTIFY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2305: High Performance Hunter | 1 | 1355 | HULLA-BALOU | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2305: High Performance Hunter | 2 | 1457 | TESTIFY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2305: High Performance Hunter | 3 | 2181 | GIVIERA | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 4 | High Performance Hunter | |
2305: High Performance Hunter | 4 | 1633 | CELEANO VH LINDENHOF Z | FROEHLICH CORTELL HEATHER | 0 | High Performance Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 1 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 2 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 3 | 1622 | OLYMPUS | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 4 | 2215 | QUANDO VA | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 5 | 1627 | ZAMBESI | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2326: Performance Hunter 3'6 Under Saddle | 6 | 1238 | CORCOVADO | FILIPPUSSON JENS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 2186 | CAHDOU | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | VAZQUEZ FREDDIE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 1 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 2 | 464 | GLORIEUS | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 3 | 2215 | QUANDO VA | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 4 | 1627 | ZAMBESI | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 5 | 968 | FOLKLORE | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 6 | 917 | NANTUCKET | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 7 | 1622 | OLYMPUS | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2327: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 8 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 0 | 968 | FOLKLORE | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 0 | 917 | NANTUCKET | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 1 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 2 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | VAZQUEZ FREDDIE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 3 | 464 | GLORIEUS | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 4 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 5 | 1627 | ZAMBESI | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 6 | 2215 | QUANDO VA | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 7 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2328: Performance Hunter 3'6 Handy | 8 | 1622 | OLYMPUS | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 2186 | CAHDOU | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1238 | CORCOVADO | FILIPPUSSON JENS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 917 | NANTUCKET | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 2215 | QUANDO VA | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 966 | QUITELLO | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 1 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 2 | 1678 | RITZ | CYPHERT MATT | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 3 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN MIMI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 4 | 1627 | ZAMBESI | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 5 | 2002 | HOLLYWOOD | HERO GABRIELLE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 6 | 1803 | CATWALK | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 7 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2329: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 8 | 1622 | OLYMPUS | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1803 | CATWALK | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1238 | CORCOVADO | FILIPPUSSON JENS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 2002 | HOLLYWOOD | HERO GABRIELLE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 917 | NANTUCKET | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 1622 | OLYMPUS | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 0 | 2219 | STILETTO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 1 | 1678 | RITZ | CYPHERT MATT | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 2 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN MIMI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 3 | 402 | SQUARE WON | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 4 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 5 | 2215 | QUANDO VA | CUNNIFFE AILISH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 6 | 966 | QUITELLO | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 7 | 1627 | ZAMBESI | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2330: Performance Hunter 3'6 | 8 | 2186 | CAHDOU | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft6 | |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 1 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 2 | 1221 | CAMELIA | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 3 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 4 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 5 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2351: Performance Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 6 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1221 | CAMELIA | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | SCHENK CHRISTOPHER | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 1253 | CASTLE | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 914 | COUNSELOR | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | QUINN ERICA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1363 | CAPISTRANO | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2352: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 965 | OSWALD VAN DE LEEUWERK | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | SCHENK CHRISTOPHER | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1363 | CAPISTRANO | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1253 | CASTLE | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 915 | LILLOOET | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 965 | OSWALD VAN DE LEEUWERK | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 263 | UNLIMITED | QUINN ERICA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 1 | 1221 | CAMELIA | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 2 | 918 | CATENDER PS | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 3 | 914 | COUNSELOR | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 4 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 5 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 6 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | QUINN ERICA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 7 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | QUINN ERICA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2353: Performance Hunter 3'3 Handy | 8 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1363 | CAPISTRANO | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1351 | CARTIER | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1021 | CONSTELLATION | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MORRISSEY TIFFANY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | GHERE MEGAN | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1636 | MAESTRO | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 837 | CORDUROY | VAN NORTWICK MORGAN | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MORRISSEY TIFFANY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1221 | CAMELIA | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2354: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | DUHON SARAH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1363 | CAPISTRANO | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1351 | CARTIER | DENNEHY MICHAEL | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | RAHAIM MAYA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | PONGRACZ NICHOLAS | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | WILLE DANA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 864 | MIDNIGHT RAIN | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 837 | CORDUROY | VAN NORTWICK MORGAN | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 1255 | DIDGEREEDOO VDL | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MORRISSEY TIFFANY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 1021 | CONSTELLATION | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | GHERE MEGAN | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | LENKART COURTNEY | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2355: Performance Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1221 | CAMELIA | POPE JACOB | 0 | Performance Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2401: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Model | 1 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2401: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Model | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2401: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Model | 3 | 2200 | UNBELIEVABLE | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2401: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Model | 4 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2402: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2402: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2402: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2403: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 1 | 2200 | UNBELIEVABLE | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2403: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2403: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 3 | 870 | HALLPASS | COPELAND SUE | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2403: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 4 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2403: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 5 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2404: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Handy | 1 | 2200 | UNBELIEVABLE | POPE JACOB | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2404: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Handy | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2404: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Handy | 3 | 870 | HALLPASS | COPELAND SUE | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2404: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Handy | 4 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2404: Green/HP Conformation Hunter Handy | 5 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2405: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 1 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2405: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2405: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 3 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2406: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 1 | 850 | RADIO CITY | LAUDER DJUNA | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2406: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 2 | 1806 | CONCALIDO | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2406: Green/HP Conformation Hunter | 3 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | CROLICK GREG | 0 | Green Conformation Hunter 3ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2501: High Performance Conformation Model | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2502: High Performance Conformation Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2503: High Performance Conformation Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2504: High Performance Conformation Hunter Handy | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2505: High Performance Conformation Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2506: High Performance Conformation Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | High Performance Conformation Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 1 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 2 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 3 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 4 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 5 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 6 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2601: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb Under Saddle | 7 | 968 | FOLKLORE | TRIBBLE AMBERLEA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 2 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 3 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 4 | 1512 | GIJON | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 5 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 6 | 968 | FOLKLORE | TRIBBLE AMBERLEA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 7 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2602: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 8 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 2 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 3 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 4 | 1512 | GIJON | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 5 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 6 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 7 | 968 | FOLKLORE | TRIBBLE AMBERLEA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2603: Amateur-Owner Hunter Handy Comb | 8 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 1 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 2 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 3 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 4 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 5 | 1512 | GIJON | HELLMAN ELEANOR | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 6 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 7 | 968 | FOLKLORE | TRIBBLE AMBERLEA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2604: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 8 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 1 | 867 | EASTON BLUE | PAPANDREOU APHRODITE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 2 | 196 | HARMONY | HERKOWITZ RACHAEL | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 3 | 124 | JUST SO | BAKER SUSAN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 4 | 1678 | RITZ | MCDONNELL KATIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 5 | 968 | FOLKLORE | TRIBBLE AMBERLEA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 6 | 263 | UNLIMITED | FABRIZI ISABELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2605: Amateur-Owner Hunter Comb | 7 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2616: Amateur-Owner Hunter Over 35 Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft6 - 36 & Over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2617: Amateur-Owner Hunter Over 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft6 - 36 & Over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2618: Amateur-Owner Hunter Over 35 Handy | 0 | 0 | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft6 - 36 & Over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2619: Amateur-Owner Hunter Over 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft6 - 36 & Over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2620: Amateur-Owner Hunter Over 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft6 - 36 & Over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 0 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 1 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 2 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 3 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 4 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 5 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 6 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 7 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2626: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 U/S | 8 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 2012 | CALBERON B | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 1040 | COLTRANE | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 1 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 2 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 3 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 4 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 5 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 6 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 7 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2627: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 8 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 0 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 0 | 1040 | COLTRANE | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 0 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 1 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 2 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 3 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 4 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 5 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 6 | 2012 | CALBERON B | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 7 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2628: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 Handy | 8 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 1 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 2 | 2012 | CALBERON B | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 3 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 4 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 5 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 6 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 7 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2629: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 8 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 2211 | ALL EYES ON ME | DOHERTY KELLY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 0 | 258 | SMALL SOCIAL | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 1 | 1070 | SOLSTICE | JAYNE NATALIE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 2 | 855 | EVER SO TRUE | PECK AVA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 3 | 1684 | OYSTER BAY | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 4 | 1686 | CLASSIC HIT | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 5 | 1101 | DOUBLE FANTASY | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 6 | 2012 | CALBERON B | KURBANOV LAYLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 7 | 260 | ALAJOLIE | MILLER ALEXANDER | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2630: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 18-35 | 8 | 259 | SEASIDE | SOMMERS SAMANTHA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2636: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 U/S | 1 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2636: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 U/S | 2 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2636: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 U/S | 3 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2636: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 U/S | 4 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2636: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 U/S | 5 | 918 | CATENDER PS | WERNER SHERRI | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 1 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 2 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 3 | 1557 | NABISCO | IAFRATE ELISE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 4 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 5 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2637: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 6 | 918 | CATENDER PS | WERNER SHERRI | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 1 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 2 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 3 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 4 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 5 | 918 | CATENDER PS | WERNER SHERRI | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2638: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 Handy | 6 | 1557 | NABISCO | IAFRATE ELISE | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2639: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 0 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2639: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 0 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2639: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 0 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2639: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 1 | 918 | CATENDER PS | WERNER SHERRI | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2639: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 2 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2640: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 0 | 1616 | CAPSTONE | COOK ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2640: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 1 | 1905 | CATCH PHRASE | GOCHMAN BECKY | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2640: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 2 | 1057 | COASTLINE | HOWEY KAREN | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2640: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 3 | 918 | CATENDER PS | WERNER SHERRI | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2640: Amateur-Owner Hunter 3'3 Over 35 | 4 | 2220 | INCREDIBLE | KISSMAN PAMELLA | 0 | Amateur Owner Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1198 | CONCHALON | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 1 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 2 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 3 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 4 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 5 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 6 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 7 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2701: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 U/S | 8 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | EDSON SHELBY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | EDSON SHELBY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 1 | 1198 | CONCHALON | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 2 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 3 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 4 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 5 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 6 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 7 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2702: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 8 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | EDSON SHELBY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 1 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 2 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 3 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 4 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 5 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 6 | 1198 | CONCHALON | ARNHOLS EMMA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 7 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2703: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 8 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | EDSON SHELBY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 1 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 2 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 3 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 4 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 5 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 6 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 7 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2704: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 8 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1088 | BETTER IN BLUE | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 106 | BILLBOARD | BIALY LAUREN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1930 | KH NOTRE DAME | EDSON SHELBY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1089 | NEED TO KNOW | MCCORMICK GWENDOLYN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1623 | ROOSEVELT | TUNNEY MEAGHAN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1099 | THE BUSINESS | MORENO ELLE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 0 | 857 | ZYGMUNT | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 1 | 275 | ELLIOT | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 2 | 1039 | HARVARD GRAD | LAMBERT AVERY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 3 | 1029 | VIDA DE ROCA NPF | REINAUER ELLA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 4 | 276 | OUT OF OFFICE | MEIJER KENDALL | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 5 | 1202 | CARSON | PARR OLIVIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 6 | 2241 | CLOUD 9 | MEYER EVE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 7 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2705: Adult Amateur Hunter 18-35 | 8 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 18-35 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 1 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 2 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 3 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 4 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 4 | 195 | DIARO | MARK-FISHER ILANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 5 | 837 | CORDUROY | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2716: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 U/S | 6 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 1 | 195 | DIARO | MARK-FISHER ILANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 2 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 6 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 3 | 837 | CORDUROY | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 4 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 5 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2717: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 6 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 1 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 10 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 2 | 837 | CORDUROY | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 3 | 195 | DIARO | MARK-FISHER ILANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 4 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 5 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2718: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 6 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2719: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 0 | 837 | CORDUROY | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2719: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 1 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2719: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 2 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2719: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 3 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 4 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
2719: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 4 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2720: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 1 | 985 | SAWYER | DEVOR ELIZABETH | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2720: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 2 | 836 | ARTHUR | GIANNETTI MEG | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2720: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 3 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH JENNA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2720: Adult Amateur Hunter 36-49 | 4 | 2177 | A FELIX DELL' A | AMY MARTIN | 2 | Amateur Adult Hunter 36-49 | |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 0 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 0 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 0 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 1 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 2 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 3 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 4 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 5 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 6 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 7 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2726: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ U/S | 8 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1947 | HUDSON VDM | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 1 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 2 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 3 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 4 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 5 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 6 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 7 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2727: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 8 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 1 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 2 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 3 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 4 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 5 | 1947 | HUDSON VDM | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 6 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 7 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2728: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 8 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1947 | HUDSON VDM | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 1 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 2 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 3 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 4 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 5 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 6 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 7 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2729: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 8 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 110 | CULLIGHAN | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1058 | ENCHANTMENT | KELLY DAWN | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 1947 | HUDSON VDM | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 0 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 1 | 1636 | MAESTRO | IRRER TERRI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 2 | 513 | RAINDANCER | TAYLOR STEPHANIE | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 3 | 1222 | VERKADE | GRIFFITH CYNTHIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 4 | 109 | DEMOCRACY | MILLSTONE CLAUDIA | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 5 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 6 | 467 | ALLEGRETTO | MATHEWS LORI | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 7 | 2234 | SILVER LAKE | MORIN EMILY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2730: Adult Amateur Hunter 50+ | 8 | 1946 | TEDDY | CHASE MARY | 0 | Amateur Adult Hunter 50 & over | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | BATTERSHALL JEFFREY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 2 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2751: Low Adult Hunter Under Saddle | 6 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 0.5 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 1 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 10 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 2 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 3 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 4 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | BATTERSHALL JEFFREY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 5 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 1 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 6 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2752: Low Adult Hunter | 7 | 1201 | LET IT BE | BREWER JILL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 1 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 2 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 3 | 1201 | LET IT BE | BREWER JILL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 4 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 2 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 5 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2753: Low Adult Hunter | 6 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | BATTERSHALL JEFFREY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 1 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 2 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 6 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 3 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 4 | 1201 | LET IT BE | BREWER JILL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 5 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | BATTERSHALL JEFFREY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 6 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2754: Low Adult Hunter | 7 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 1 | 1201 | LET IT BE | BREWER JILL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 2 | 2184 | ZEUS | FELICE S HYBERT | 6 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 3 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | BATTERSHALL JEFFREY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 4 | 1461 | FIRST PRIORITY | CHASE CAROLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 5 | 1837 | AIRBENDER | SIMICH LEXI | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 6 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JENNIFER TANNER | 0.5 | Low Adult Hunter | |
2755: Low Adult Hunter | 7 | 2209 | BLUE SUEDE SHOES | BYLE JORDAN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 0 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 0 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 0 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 1 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 2 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 3 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 4 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 5 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 6 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 7 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | SHEETS DIANE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2761: Low Adult Amateur Hunter U/S (SECTION B) | 8 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 514 | LAGAVULIN | SADIN COLLEEN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 916 | TW MCCORMICK | MOHRHARDT KRISTY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 1 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 2 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 3 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | MEYER ADAM | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 4 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 5 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 6 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | SHEETS DIANE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 7 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2762: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 8 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | SHEETS DIANE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 514 | LAGAVULIN | SADIN COLLEEN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | MEYER ADAM | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 916 | TW MCCORMICK | MOHRHARDT KRISTY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 1 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 2 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 3 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 4 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 5 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 6 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 7 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2763: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 8 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 514 | LAGAVULIN | SADIN COLLEEN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 916 | TW MCCORMICK | MOHRHARDT KRISTY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 1 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 2 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 3 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 4 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | MEYER ADAM | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 5 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 6 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | SHEETS DIANE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 7 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2764: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 8 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2168 | CADBURY | SHEFFER SARAH | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MALIN DANA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2511 | KEYNOTE | SCALZI GRACE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 514 | LAGAVULIN | SADIN COLLEEN | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | MEYER ADAM | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | DUNN JOANNA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 2247 | STONEHENGE | SCALZI LAURA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 0 | 1747 | VALIENTE | ANTHES LILLY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 1 | 1359 | PROUD TO BE VH | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 2 | 1360 | GEORGIAN BAY | SCOLNICK SHERYL | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 3 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | AIPPERSPACH ABBY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 4 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | BIXLER REBECCA | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 5 | 2219 | STILETTO | CARROLL MICHELLE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 6 | 916 | TW MCCORMICK | MOHRHARDT KRISTY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 7 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | SHEETS DIANE | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2765: Low Adult Amateur Hunter (SECTION B) | 8 | 1059 | HENDRICKS | WOODS BITSY | 0 | Low Adult Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2801: Small Junior Hunter Combine U/S | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2801: Small Junior Hunter Combine U/S | 2 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2801: Small Junior Hunter Combine U/S | 3 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2801: Small Junior Hunter Combine U/S | 4 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2801: Small Junior Hunter Combine U/S | 5 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2802: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2802: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 2 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2802: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 3 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2802: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 4 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2802: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 5 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2803: Small Junior Hunter Combine Handy | 1 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2803: Small Junior Hunter Combine Handy | 2 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2803: Small Junior Hunter Combine Handy | 3 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2803: Small Junior Hunter Combine Handy | 4 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2803: Small Junior Hunter Combine Handy | 5 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2804: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2804: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 2 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2804: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 3 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2804: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 4 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2804: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 5 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2805: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 1 | 1816 | PAPER TRAIL | WATROUS ELODIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2805: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 2 | 1037 | JAGERBOMB | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2805: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 3 | 1745 | E DI LUCA | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2805: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 4 | 2207 | ARNAC D'ELPHEN | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2805: Small Junior Hunter Combine | 5 | 978 | OPPORTUNITY MARS | KANTROVITZ KATIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2811: Small Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2812: Small Junior Hunter 16-17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2813: Small Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 0 | 0 | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2814: Small Junior Hunter 16-17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2815: Small Junior Hunter 16-17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2816: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under U/S | 1 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2816: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under U/S | 2 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2816: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under U/S | 3 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2816: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under U/S | 4 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 1 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 2 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 3 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2817: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 4 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2818: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under Handy | 1 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2818: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under Handy | 2 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2818: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under Handy | 3 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2818: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under Handy | 4 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2819: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 1 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2819: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 2 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2819: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 3 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2819: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 4 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2819: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 5 | 2002 | HOLLYWOOD | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2820: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 1 | 1081 | COMTESS | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2820: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 2 | 893 | SYMBOLIC | GUIDRY HAILEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2820: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 3 | 2002 | HOLLYWOOD | TRUESDALE CAPRI | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2820: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 4 | 1744 | PHILADELPHIA STORY | STEWART MADISON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2820: Large Junior Hunter 15 & Under | 5 | 1086 | ROLD GOLD | MECHLIN EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 0 | 2092 | ILYANA | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 1 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 2 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 3 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 4 | 965 | OSWALD VAN DE LEEUWERK | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2826: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Under Saddle | 5 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 0 | 2092 | ILYANA | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 1 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 2 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 3 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 4 | 965 | OSWALD VAN DE LEEUWERK | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2827: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 5 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 0 | 2092 | ILYANA | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 1 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 2 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 3 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 4 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2828: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 Handy | 5 | 965 | OSWALD VAN DE LEEUWERK | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 1 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 2 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 3 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 4 | 1506 | ZONDER Z QUATTRO | WARREN CASSIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 5 | 2092 | ILYANA | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2829: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 6 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 1 | 497 | CASCATERO | ROMAN JOEY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 2 | 1457 | TESTIFY | DOWNEY TESSA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 3 | 1560 | CASTOR | RUDNICKI ELEANOR | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 4 | 461 | CASALLINI | RATHBUN PEYTON | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 5 | 1506 | ZONDER Z QUATTRO | WARREN CASSIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2830: Large Junior Hunter 16-17 | 6 | 2092 | ILYANA | KIRSON ELIANNA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 0 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 1 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 2 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 3 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 4 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 5 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 6 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 7 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2831: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 8 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2832: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 1 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 2 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 3 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 4 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 5 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 6 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 7 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2833: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 8 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2834: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 716 | EARNEST | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 1234 | LOMANSKE | DAYNER SCHUYLER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 913 | FAMILY AFFAIRE | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 1253 | CASTLE | STROME SAVANNAH | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 2083 | CANDOR | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 1900 | PLUNTERΓÇÖS PUNCH | GARVIN AVA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 891 | CAPRICE | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2835: Small Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 2093 | LEGACY | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 1 | 2089 | FEDOR | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 2 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 3 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 4 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 5 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 6 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2836: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Under Saddle | 7 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1469 | CAPE COROFINO | SEGESMAN SOPHIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 2089 | FEDOR | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | SVENKESEN ANONA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0.5 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2837: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 0 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | THAMES AMELIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 1 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 2 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 3 | 1469 | CAPE COROFINO | SEGESMAN SOPHIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 4 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 5 | 2089 | FEDOR | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 6 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | SVENKESEN ANONA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 7 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2838: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 Handy | 8 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 0 | 2089 | FEDOR | ANASTASIO ALEXA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | SVENKESEN ANONA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0.5 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 1469 | CAPE COROFINO | SEGESMAN SOPHIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2839: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 1 | 2229 | EXPRESS DE B'NEVILLE | SVENKESEN ANONA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 2 | 1679 | CORIANDER | SCHAFER AUDREY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 3 | 1014 | PROSPER | SMITH CAROLINE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 4 | 1469 | CAPE COROFINO | SEGESMAN SOPHIA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 5 | 1784 | CARLOS HEΓÇÖLAS | MILLS EMMA | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 6 | 717 | FAMOUS | MOORE LESLY | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 7 | 914 | COUNSELOR | MULLALLY CLAIRE | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2840: Large Junior Hunter 3'3 | 8 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Junior Working Hunter 3ft3 | |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 0 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 1 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 2 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 3 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2841: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under U/S | 4 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 1 | 1698 | CRIMSON TIDE | ANSOLABEHERE ELLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 2 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 3 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 4 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 5 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 6 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 7 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2842: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 8 | 454 | FERNANDO HS | MANSON ADLER ADDIE" | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1698 | CRIMSON TIDE | ANSOLABEHERE ELLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 1 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 2 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 3 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 4 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 5 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 6 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 7 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2843: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 8 | 454 | FERNANDO HS | MANSON ADLER ADDIE" | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 1 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 2 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 3 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 4 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 5 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 6 | 1698 | CRIMSON TIDE | ANSOLABEHERE ELLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 7 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2844: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 8 | 454 | FERNANDO HS | MANSON ADLER ADDIE" | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 460 | MERCY ME | GREGG LEIGHTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 0 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 1 | 454 | FERNANDO HS | MANSON ADLER ADDIE" | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 2 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 3 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 4 | 1698 | CRIMSON TIDE | ANSOLABEHERE ELLA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 5 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 6 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 7 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2845: Children's Hunter Horses 14 & Under | 8 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 14 & Under | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 0 | 1941 | DENALI | VANTONGEREN EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 1 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 2 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 3 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 4 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 5 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 6 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 7 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2851: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 U/S | 8 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 1 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 2 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 3 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 4 | 1067 | ROC CHATTA | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 5 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 6 | 1941 | DENALI | VANTONGEREN EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 7 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2852: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 8 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 1 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 2 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 3 | 1067 | ROC CHATTA | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 4 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 5 | 1941 | DENALI | VANTONGEREN EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 6 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 7 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2853: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 8 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 1941 | DENALI | VANTONGEREN EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 1 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 2 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 3 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 4 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 2 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 5 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 6 | 1067 | ROC CHATTA | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 7 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2854: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 8 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2098 | BECKHAM | KASSEL SASHA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 1941 | DENALI | VANTONGEREN EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 1 | 2018 | BRAAVOS | DYSON EMMA | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 2 | 1252 | EXHALE | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 3 | 969 | WHO DAT | WIESNER TORI | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 4 | 2186 | CAHDOU | ABBY KULIKOWSKI | 2 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 5 | 2210 | D'ESPARGES | WEBER GRACE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 6 | 1067 | ROC CHATTA | MARTINES CLAYTON | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 7 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2855: Children's Hunter Horses 15-17 | 8 | 1634 | LATOULONG Z | KAUFMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Children's Working Hunter 15-17 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | WEBSTER ABIGALE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 6 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 7 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2861: Low Children's Hunter Under Saddle | 8 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1805 | BENEDICTION | MULRENIN VELLA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | WEBSTER ABIGALE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 1 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 2 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 3 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 4 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 5 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 6 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 7 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2862: Low Children's Hunter | 8 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1805 | BENEDICTION | MULRENIN VELLA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 1 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 2 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 3 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 4 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 5 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | WEBSTER ABIGALE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 6 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 7 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
2863: Low Children's Hunter | 8 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1805 | BENEDICTION | MULRENIN VELLA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | WEBSTER ABIGALE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 1 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 2 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 3 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 4 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 5 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 6 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 7 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2864: Low Children's Hunter | 8 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1805 | BENEDICTION | MULRENIN VELLA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 2152 | MAJOR SASSAFRAS | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | UBL CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1927 | ROCKAWAY | BOYLE VIVIENNE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 0 | 1675 | SCALITO | CAROLINE PETERS | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 1 | 463 | SIDE HUSTLE | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 2 | 908 | CAN'T TOUCH THIS Z | BURNHAM CLARA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 3 | 2153 | CLINT ONE | MAESTAS MJ | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 4 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | WEBSTER ABIGALE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 5 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | SEMIAN ALEXANDRA | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 6 | 1926 | GUMMARAES VDL | BOYLE CAMILLE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 7 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | SCHIRF MAEVE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2865: Low Children's Hunter | 8 | 2512 | KNODDINGHAM BAY | SMITH CHARLOTTE | 0 | Low Children's Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2881: Children's Hunter Pony Combine U/S | 1 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Child Pony Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2881: Children's Hunter Pony Combine U/S | 2 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Child Pony Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2881: Children's Hunter Pony Combine U/S | 3 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Child Pony Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2881: Children's Hunter Pony Combine U/S | 4 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Child Pony Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2881: Children's Hunter Pony Combine U/S | 5 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Child Pony Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2882: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 1 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2882: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 2 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2882: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 3 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2882: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 4 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2882: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 5 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2883: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 1 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2883: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 2 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2883: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 3 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2883: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 4 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2883: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 5 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2884: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 1 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2884: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 2 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2884: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 3 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2884: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 4 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2884: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 5 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2885: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 1 | 912 | MY MEMOIR | MULLALLY DARBY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2885: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 2 | 2203 | BOUCHARD | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2885: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 3 | 1609 | CWMFELEN ANDY PANDY | FISHER LILY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2885: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 4 | 379 | MR. BOJANGLES | LYNCH AINSLEY | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2885: Children's Hunter Pony Combine | 5 | 1631 | ATOMIC'S BIT OF BLITZ | GRIFFIN ALICE | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2891: Large Children's Hunter Pony U/S | 0 | 0 | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2892: Large Children's Hunter Pony | 0 | 0 | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2893: Large Children's Hunter Pony | 0 | 0 | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2894: Large Children's Hunter Pony | 0 | 0 | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2895: Large Children's Hunter Pony | 0 | 0 | 0 | Children's Hunter Pony - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2900: Small Pony Model | 0 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 0 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 1 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 2 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 3 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 4 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 5 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 6 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 7 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2900: Small Pony Model | 8 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 6 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 7 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2901: Small Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 8 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 0 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 0 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 1 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 2 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 3 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 4 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 5 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 6 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 7 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2902: Small Pony Hunter | 8 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 0 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 0 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 1 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 2 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 3 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 4 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 5 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 6 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 7 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2903: Small Pony Hunter Handy | 8 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 0 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 1 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 2 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 3 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 4 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 5 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 6 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 7 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2904: Small Pony Hunter | 8 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 0 | 473 | ROLLINGWOODS CALIFORNIA COOKIE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 1 | 621 | SNOW PEA | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 2 | 625 | IN MY DREAMS | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 3 | 620 | WILDWYNN ACE BOON | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 4 | 1265 | CLOVERMEADE WINDSURFER | RUSH ZOEY | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 5 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 6 | 1567 | GUESS WHO | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 7 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2905: Small Pony Hunter | 8 | 842 | STARBOUND | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Small | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 1 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 2 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 3 | 622 | RADIANCE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 4 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 5 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2915: Medium Pony Model | 6 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 622 | RADIANCE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2916: Medium Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 6 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 1 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 2 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 3 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 4 | 622 | RADIANCE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 5 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2917: Medium Pony Hunter | 6 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 0 | 622 | RADIANCE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 1 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 2 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 3 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 4 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2918: Medium Pony Hunter Handy | 5 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2919: Medium Pony Hunter | 1 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2919: Medium Pony Hunter | 2 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2919: Medium Pony Hunter | 3 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2919: Medium Pony Hunter | 4 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2919: Medium Pony Hunter | 5 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2920: Medium Pony Hunter | 1 | 472 | SWAN SONG | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2920: Medium Pony Hunter | 2 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2920: Medium Pony Hunter | 3 | 626 | DEJA BLUE | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2920: Medium Pony Hunter | 4 | 624 | SUPER SPORT | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2920: Medium Pony Hunter | 5 | 697 | HEART TO FORGET | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Medium | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2930: Large Pony Model | 1 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2930: Large Pony Model | 2 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2930: Large Pony Model | 3 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2930: Large Pony Model | 4 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2931: Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2931: Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2931: Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2931: Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2931: Large Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2932: Large Pony Hunter | 1 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2932: Large Pony Hunter | 2 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2932: Large Pony Hunter | 3 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2932: Large Pony Hunter | 4 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2932: Large Pony Hunter | 5 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2933: Large Pony Hunter Handy | 1 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2933: Large Pony Hunter Handy | 2 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2933: Large Pony Hunter Handy | 3 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2933: Large Pony Hunter Handy | 4 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2933: Large Pony Hunter Handy | 5 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2934: Large Pony Hunter | 1 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2934: Large Pony Hunter | 2 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2934: Large Pony Hunter | 3 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2934: Large Pony Hunter | 4 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2934: Large Pony Hunter | 5 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2935: Large Pony Hunter | 1 | 474 | MASQUERADE | STREET SOPHIA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2935: Large Pony Hunter | 2 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2935: Large Pony Hunter | 3 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2935: Large Pony Hunter | 4 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2935: Large Pony Hunter | 5 | 1717 | SOUTHSONG REVELRY | COLTER CHARLOTTE | 0 | Pony Hunter - Large | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 1 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 2 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 3 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 4 | 1808 | HEART OF BLUE | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 5 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 6 | 509 | DON'T STOP ME NOW | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 7 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2946: Green Pony Hunter U/S Combine | 8 | 617 | RENDEVBLUE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 1 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 2 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 3 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 4 | 617 | RENDEVBLUE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 5 | 1808 | HEART OF BLUE | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 6 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 7 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2947: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 8 | 509 | DON'T STOP ME NOW | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 1808 | HEART OF BLUE | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 617 | RENDEVBLUE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 1 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 2 | 509 | DON'T STOP ME NOW | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 3 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2948: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 4 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 1 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 2 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 3 | 1808 | HEART OF BLUE | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 4 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 5 | 509 | DON'T STOP ME NOW | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 6 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2949: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 7 | 617 | RENDEVBLUE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 1 | 615 | BLUE TIE AFFAIR | ENDZWEIG ELLA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 2 | 616 | KINGSLEY | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 3 | 840 | BLITZ | WEXLER ELLIE | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 4 | 509 | DON'T STOP ME NOW | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 5 | 1808 | HEART OF BLUE | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 6 | 617 | RENDEVBLUE | ENDZWEIG LUCA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2950: Green Pony Hunter Combine | 7 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2956: Large Green Pony Hunter Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2957: Large Green Pony Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2958: Large Green Pony Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2959: Large Green Pony Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2960: Large Green Pony Hunter | 0 | 0 | 0 | Green Pony Hunter | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
2976: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat | 1 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2976: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat | 2 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2976: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat | 3 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2976: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat | 4 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2976: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation Flat | 5 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 0 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 1 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 2 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 3 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2977: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 4 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2978: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 1 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2978: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 2 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2978: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 3 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2978: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 4 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2978: Short/Long Stirrup Equitation | 5 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Equitation Combined | No Rider IHJA membership (or missing rider USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 1 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 2 | 1456 | GOOD LOVE | WHELAN SOPHIA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 3 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 4 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 5 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2981: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle | 6 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 0 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 0 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 1 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 2 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 3 | 1456 | GOOD LOVE | WHELAN SOPHIA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2982: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 4 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 0 | 2170 | HEZA FLY PIE | SCOTT SIMONE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 1 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 2 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 3 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 4 | 1456 | GOOD LOVE | WHELAN SOPHIA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2983: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter | 5 | 841 | MADEYALOOK | WEXLER JANE | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2984: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Classic | 1 | 1810 | SMOOCH'N ON ME | RAHAIM FAITH | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2984: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Classic | 2 | 2214 | EVER SO FANCEE | CHUBB REAGAN | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2984: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Classic | 3 | 1456 | GOOD LOVE | WHELAN SOPHIA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
2984: Short/Long Stirrup Hunter Classic | 4 | 2173 | SHES GOT THE JAZZ | MURPHY EMMA | 0 | Long and Short Stirrup Hunter Combined | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3106: Baby Green 2'6 Under Saddle | 0 | 0 | 0 | Baby Green Hunter 2ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
3107: Baby Green 2'6 | 1 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Baby Green Hunter 2ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3108: Baby Green 2'6 | 1 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | Baby Green Hunter 2ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3109: Baby Green 2'6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Baby Green Hunter 2ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
3110: Baby Green 2'6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Baby Green Hunter 2ft6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) | ||
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 1 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 2 | 2183 | NORDIC VAN DEN BISSCHOP | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 6 | USHJA 3-0 | |
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 3 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 4 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 5 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3111: USHJA Hunter 3' Under Saddle | 6 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1941 | DENALI | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 1 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 2 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 3 | 838 | STRONG SUIT | SENN DANA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 4 | 2183 | NORDIC VAN DEN BISSCHOP | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 2 | USHJA 3-0 | |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 5 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 6 | 1729 | PERSISTENCE | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 7 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3112: USHJA Hunter 3' | 8 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | SCHENK CHRISTOPHER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | SCHENK CHRISTOPHER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 1 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 2 | 2183 | NORDIC VAN DEN BISSCHOP | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 6 | USHJA 3-0 | |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 3 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 4 | 1349 | HIGHMARK | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 5 | 1729 | PERSISTENCE | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 6 | 1941 | DENALI | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 7 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3113: USHJA Hunter 3' | 8 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1236 | CLEAN SLATE | VAN NORTWICK MORGAN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1615 | MONTEREY | WERKEMA ALLISON | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1628 | MTM MILAGROS | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MACKENZIE SAMANTHA ALEXIS | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 1 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 2 | 2183 | NORDIC VAN DEN BISSCHOP | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 6 | USHJA 3-0 | |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 3 | 878 | QUAMBO | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 4 | 1729 | PERSISTENCE | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 5 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 6 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 7 | 1137 | SHOW ME | WILKES HAYDEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3114: USHJA Hunter 3' | 8 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1135 | CASSO | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2240 | CHILI PEPPER | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1348 | DON BOCELLI | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1366 | LUCKY NUMBER SLEVIN | HRUDKA TONI | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1615 | MONTEREY | WERKEMA ALLISON | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2183 | NORDIC VAN DEN BISSCHOP | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1699 | OCTOBER HILL'S CUATRO | CYPHERT MATT | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 471 | PADDINGTON | OBAID LILIYA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 315 | PARADUXX | KRAUS SAMANTHA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1003 | QAISAR | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 878 | QUAMBO | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1137 | SHOW ME | WILKES HAYDEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | GEISE ELIZABETH | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 0 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MACKENZIE SAMANTHA ALEXIS | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 1 | 1236 | CLEAN SLATE | VAN NORTWICK MORGAN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 2 | 1202 | CARSON | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 3 | 1730 | AVIATOR | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 4 | 1729 | PERSISTENCE | TURNER ROGER | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 5 | 1840 | ZOE POWER | CASSAR ISABEL | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 6 | 1628 | MTM MILAGROS | ANSTETH ALEXANDRA | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 7 | 465 | EXCLUSIVE | LENKART SCOTT | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3115: USHJA Hunter 3' | 8 | 478 | BRILJANT Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | USHJA 3-0 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 1 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 2 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 3 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 4 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 5 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3301: USHJA Hunter 2'6 Under Saddle | 6 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MACKENZIE SAMANTHA ALEXIS | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1675 | SCALITO | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 102 | SILHOUETTE | BROWN LAUREN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2218 | TH INVESTIGATOR | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 1 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 2 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 3 | 1201 | LET IT BE | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 4 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 5 | 1212 | NAMELY | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 6 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 7 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3302: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 8 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1919 | CONCENTRIC | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 280 | LANDKAPTAIN LL | JOHNSON HILLARY | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1675 | SCALITO | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | Horse IHJA membership renewed after show end date |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 102 | SILHOUETTE | BROWN LAUREN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 1 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 2 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 3 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 4 | 1201 | LET IT BE | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 5 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 6 | 1212 | NAMELY | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 7 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3303: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 8 | 2154 | HAPPIER THAN EVER | MOLTHER CAROLINE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 1 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 2 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 3 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 4 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 5 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 6 | 1201 | LET IT BE | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 7 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3304: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 8 | 102 | SILHOUETTE | BROWN LAUREN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2182 | COVER GIRL | JUDGE-BOYLE TINA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1625 | DEXTROUS DUTCH | EPPERSON KELSEY | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 2204 | EVENBOERKS WINSTON | LANGHORST LUCILLE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1920 | KING'S LANDING | BIXLER BRYNN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1925 | PEMBROOK MR FOX | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 0 | 1922 | SANTINO | MUTCH HUGH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 1 | 2223 | VIRTUOSO | LINDSEY RACHEL | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 2 | 317 | HEAVEN'S DANCE | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 3 | 116 | CRACKER JACK P | GOULD MAGGIE | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 4 | 1674 | EXECUTIVE ORDER | DUHON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 5 | 1302 | CHARISMATIC | SCHIERHOLZ ANNA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 6 | 1201 | LET IT BE | COLLINS KRISTEN | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 7 | 1455 | MAPLE SIDE FIREWORK | CROLICK AVA | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
3305: USHJA Hunter 2'6 | 8 | 2169 | S. R. CROACIA | ROBERTSON SARAH | 0 | USHJA 2-6 | No Horse IHJA membership (or missing horse USEF #) |
4021: Pony Equitation Flat | 1 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4021: Pony Equitation Flat | 2 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4021: Pony Equitation Flat | 3 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4021: Pony Equitation Flat | 4 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4021: Pony Equitation Flat | 5 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4022: Pony Equitation | 0 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4022: Pony Equitation | 1 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4022: Pony Equitation | 2 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4022: Pony Equitation | 3 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4022: Pony Equitation | 4 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4023: Pony Equitation | 0 | 1019 | ROYAL LEGACY | BADLER CAMILLE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4023: Pony Equitation | 1 | 508 | SUGARBROOK UNVEILED | VALIQUETTE VICTORIA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4023: Pony Equitation | 2 | 2174 | LITTLE TOFF | TABACARU BRIANA | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4023: Pony Equitation | 3 | 316 | MUCH ADO | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4023: Pony Equitation | 4 | 1716 | WESTLEY | COLTER CORINNE | 0 | Pony Equitation | |
4026: Equitation 11 & Under Flat | 0 | 0 | 0 | Equitation 11 & Under | No points awarded for class with less than 2 entries | ||
4027: Equitation 11 & Under | 0 | 0 | 0 | Equitation 11 & Under | No points awarded for class with less than 2 entries | ||
4028: Equitation 11 & Under | 0 | 0 | 0 | Equitation 11 & Under | No points awarded for class with less than 2 entries | ||
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 0 | 860 | PROMISE VAN DE WATERING | MOSS HALLIE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 1 | 2145 | PIKACHU | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 2 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 3 | 2146 | HOTSHOT | RACANELLI CAROLINE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 4 | 875 | LAMBADA | YOUNG MACYKATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 5 | 1342 | CASSANDRA | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 6 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 7 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4031: Equitation 12-14 Flat | 8 | 2148 | TRIBECA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 0 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 0 | 860 | PROMISE VAN DE WATERING | MOSS HALLIE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 1 | 2145 | PIKACHU | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 2 | 875 | LAMBADA | YOUNG MACYKATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 3 | 2146 | HOTSHOT | RACANELLI CAROLINE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 4 | 2148 | TRIBECA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 5 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 6 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 7 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4032: Equitation 12-14 3' | 8 | 1342 | CASSANDRA | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 0 | 860 | PROMISE VAN DE WATERING | MOSS HALLIE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 0 | 1973 | STORMSABREWIN' | CHANDLER GRACE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 1 | 875 | LAMBADA | YOUNG MACYKATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 2 | 1626 | THE IRON MAIDEN | MCCURDY LOLA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 3 | 2146 | HOTSHOT | RACANELLI CAROLINE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 4 | 2148 | TRIBECA | CHATTERJEE CECILIA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 5 | 314 | CORONADO BEACH | GOODWIN ALICE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 6 | 1852 | GOODFELLOWS | GREER EMMA KATE | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 7 | 2145 | PIKACHU | RACANELLI LILA | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4033: Equitation 12-14 3' | 8 | 1342 | CASSANDRA | JOHNSON LISTON | 0 | Equitation 12-14 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 0 | 966 | QUITELLO | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 0 | 152 | TEMPLE LUCKY KISS | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 1 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MANNIS MAE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 2 | 2226 | OPPENHEIMER | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 3 | 2228 | DUNDEE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 4 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 5 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 6 | 1465 | JACKEROO DTS Z | MURRAY KENDA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 7 | 309 | HAPPY HOUR | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4041: Equitation 15-17 3'3 Flat | 8 | 890 | ASARO | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MANNIS MAE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 1 | 2228 | DUNDEE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 2 | 1465 | JACKEROO DTS Z | MURRAY KENDA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 3 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 4 | 152 | TEMPLE LUCKY KISS | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 5 | 2226 | OPPENHEIMER | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 6 | 966 | QUITELLO | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 7 | 890 | ASARO | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4042: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 8 | 309 | HAPPY HOUR | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2202 | C YA LATER GATOR | RUSSELL KARYS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 1969 | CAMPIONE | AVERY STREETER | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2172 | DONATELLO D | OTTO SAKURA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 2171 | DUBONNET | CLARKE ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 0 | 309 | HAPPY HOUR | CLOSTER BARBARA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 1 | 2228 | DUNDEE | KIRSON TALIA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 2 | 1574 | INFERNO VAN' T KRUIS Z | HULL BROOKS | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 3 | 2226 | OPPENHEIMER | EHMAN ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 4 | 1465 | JACKEROO DTS Z | MURRAY KENDA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 5 | 966 | QUITELLO | BORRELLO CALOGERA | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 6 | 2245 | TINY TINA | MANNIS MAE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 7 | 890 | ASARO | SPITZER ELLIE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4043: Equitation 15-17 3'3 | 8 | 152 | TEMPLE LUCKY KISS | COLLISTER ISABELLE | 0 | Equitation 15-17 | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 0 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 0 | 1615 | MONTEREY | WERKEMA ALLISON | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 1 | 1041 | CLINTIRO | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 2 | 1685 | MTM BRANDO | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 3 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 4 | 1040 | COLTRANE | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 5 | 1042 | CURB SERVICE | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 6 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 7 | 973 | NEWSFLASH 3E | EPPINK MADIGAN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4051: Adult Equitation 3' Flat | 8 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 0 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 0 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 1 | 1041 | CLINTIRO | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 2 | 1685 | MTM BRANDO | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 3 | 973 | NEWSFLASH 3E | EPPINK MADIGAN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 4 | 1042 | CURB SERVICE | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 5 | 1040 | COLTRANE | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 6 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 7 | 1615 | MONTEREY | WERKEMA ALLISON | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4052: Adult Equitation 3' | 8 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 0 | 1871 | D'ELOUISE BZ | CIANCIOLO MACKENZIE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 0 | 1615 | MONTEREY | WERKEMA ALLISON | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 1 | 1041 | CLINTIRO | HOGAN RILEY | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 2 | 1685 | MTM BRANDO | KLINEDINST HANNAH | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 3 | 2227 | GIORGIO ARMANI Z | LOUGHLIN GRACE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 4 | 973 | NEWSFLASH 3E | EPPINK MADIGAN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 5 | 1040 | COLTRANE | JORGENSEN LAUREN | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 6 | 1838 | DUNBAR | BELLER JAIME | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 7 | 1042 | CURB SERVICE | KRAMER CATHERINE | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft | |
4053: Adult Equitation 3' | 8 | 1800 | DOC HOLLIDAY | WAYNE MIA | 0 | Adult Equitation 3ft |